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Useful facts about the juices that you didn’t know

Полезных факты о соках, которые вы не зналиWhat scientists say about cranberry, orange and grape juice?

Mango juice will protect from obesity

Beneficial properties of the juice were studied by Brazilian scientists, the results of these studies were published in the journal of Nutrition. The experiment was conducted on laboratory animals, which were divided into several groups according to the degree of obesity and for obtaining mango juice.

The findings were unexpected: the juice of mango has a high potential as a functional food product, able to reduce the metabolic risk of obesity, associated with obesity and inflammatory processes in the body. This effect, scientists associated with the high content was found in mango juice flavonoids.

Orange juice improves memory and attention

What is the impact of orange juice on cognitive and cognitive functions of the brain? The answer to this question was awarded to the scientists from the University of reading (UK) in two studies. The first was attended by 37 older Britons, in the second, 24 middle-aged men. Some of the subjects daily drank orange juice, while others received a placebo. It turned out that in groups, drank orange juice, indicators of memory, attention and speed of reaction was much better than in the groups treated with the empty.

Tomato juice is useful for women in menopause

To tie together the tomato juice, and relieving the symptoms of menopause are scientists Tokyo medical University. 95 women from 40 to 60 years old, in menopause for two months, twice a day, drinking 200 ml of tomato juice.
After four weeks, the researchers noted the improvement of the psychological and physiological state of the participants. So, they have significantly decreased feelings of anxiety and normalize the heart rate.

Cranberry juice prevents inflammation of the urinary tract

Long known that cranberry juice is effective in diseases of the urinary system, but the mechanism of action has remained unclear.

Recent studies have shown that the proanthocyanidins contained in cranberries prevent the attachment of bacteria to walls of urinary tract. Thus, these plant substances prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms and inflammation.

Also, according to American scientists, in cranberry juice, found in the special carbohydrates — oligosaccharides. They have a similar effect, which further enhances the antibacterial activity of cranberry juice.

Beet juice lowers blood pressure

This conclusion was made by scientists from the UK, as a result of several studies of the beet juice and its effects on different aspects of the body.

In one experiment, 7 men from 18 to 45 years received daily for weeks on 250 grams of one of the following juices: the juice of yellow beets, red beet juice, carrot juice.

In another study involved 24 volunteers who had been drinking for three weeks beetroot juice or black currant juice. Experts came to the conclusion that beetroot juice is a great remedy to control high blood pressure. This effect is due to the presence in the beet of inorganic nitrates and antioxidants in betalain — the substances that give the root vegetable a bright color.

The juice of red grapes helps to cope with physical activity

This result came scientists at the University Petrolina (Brazil) who conducted the assessment of endurance athletes. Twenty-eight men and women involved in sports, were randomly divided into two groups. One group daily for 28 days of receiving the juice of red grapes, the other received a control drink.

As a result, the athletes who drank the grape juice, 15% increased this figure as “run to exhaustion”. It is interesting that they have several times to reduce markers of inflammatory processes. According to experts, the effect of the juice like the action of a special sports supplements.

Cherry juice reduces the risk of developing gout

Is there a connection between the consumption of cherry juice and the level of uric acid in the body? There is, and the video — guess scientists from Britain and South Africa.

It is known that the high content of uric acid in the blood is one of the indicators in the risk of gout.

The study involved 12 healthy volunteers (mean age 26 years). Subjects received two servings of concentrated cherry juice in the morning and before dinner. The study showed that the participants of the experiment the level of uric acid in the blood decreased. In this regard, it is assumed that the consumption of cherry juice may be helpful for prevention, and in the case of gout.

Pomegranate juice increases the testosterone levels in men

Such encouraging findings by researchers at the University of Edinburgh. They found out the effect of pomegranate juice on the mood and the content of testosterone in healthy volunteers.

The study involved 60 people aged 25 to 53 years who on a daily basis for two weeks consumption of pomegranate juice. Experts controlled the indicators of saliva samples of participants and their blood pressure before, during and after the experiment. We also evaluated the emotional state of the subjects.

The study showed that consumption of pomegranate juice significantly increased the content of testosterone in saliva of men — an average of 24%. Thus, the subjects lined in blood pressure, improved mood and decreased anxiety.

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