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Named ten animals with unique abilities

Названы десять животных с уникальными способностями Scientists told about the ten animals which have amazing abilities.

First on the list is the beetle. Perhaps the title he is not the best, but in life the insect proved to be a good dancer, which thereby can be guided well in space.

Next on the list is fish-Archer fish, as it turned out, she has a good memory. Fish can remember people’s faces, then spray them with water as a sign of welcome.

Next come the snakes which the attack on the victim, experiencing overloads, comparable to the feelings of the pilots that control the fighters. The fourth position in the list is a shark ninja. This species was discovered very recently, because fish live at a depth of more than two kilometers. However, they can glow in the dark, which facilitates the search for food.

Fifth place got jumping fish. Despite the total blindness, they can very quickly jump from stone to stone, that brings it to four-legged animals. No cost list without Hydra. This species is able to recover their stem cells, this leads to a slowing of the aging process. Hydra are considered almost immortal animals, they die very rarely and only from serious diseases.

Not least the wonderful abilities, possess all known ants. In addition to the ability to build bridges or rafts out of their bodies, they can protect their Queen, forming thus a kind of shield. The penultimate place in the ranking are Indian frogs. This species still remains a mystery to scientists, because they have the ability to burrow head first into the mud or sand. So act like adults and tadpoles.

Closes the top ten animals with extraordinary skills of stealth frogs. They can easily masquerade as the terrain. Today frog skin perfectly smooth, and tomorrow obrastaet spikes.

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