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Microsoft announced an ambitious plan to defeat cancer

Microsoft объявила амбициозный план победы над ракомCancer cells try to reprogram.

Microsoft has announced an ambitious plan to defeat the cancer for ten years. This group will use computer-based methods.

Cancer scientists intend to keep using bioinformatics, which involves the use of advanced computing for mapping the complex processes occurring inside the cell.

One of the most interesting proposals includes the creation of ultra-small computers that can live in the human body, as well as monitoring the presence of cancer cells and reprogramming them into healthy as soon as they appear.

“I think it’s a very natural perspective on things for Microsoft because we have vast experience in the field of computer science and what happens in cancer is the computational task. It’s not just an analogy, it is a deep mathematical unity,” said Chris Bishop of Microsoft Research lab.

Most of the work of the specialists of Microsoft Research focus on modeling the growth and development of living cells, their multiplication and the understanding of how a cell becomes cancerous.

Scientists hope to treat not body tissues – skin cancer, or brain cancer, and fight cancer at the cellular level, correcting the genome.

“We are in the process of revolution in relation to the treatment of cancer. 10 years ago people thought that the treatment should otnost to the tissues: you have lung cancer, you get treatment for lung cancer. We now know that to treat more important the study of the genome,” said David Heckerman, team Director of the study of the genomes of Microsoft.

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