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The most dangerous mistakes in treating colds

Autumn is the season of colds. First signs of a cold is known to everyone — sore throat, tingling in the nose and nasal nasal passages, cough, fever. Naturally, to be laid up permanently, many immediately begin to provide first aid throat spray various solutions, water the nose by special …

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The amount of alcohol consumed depends on the company

British scientists have found out that the amount of alcohol that people drink depends on the company, in which it is located. In a study conducted by researchers, attended by over a thousand volunteers under the age of 30 years. Scientists conducted an experiment on the weekend, at night. During …

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Purple panacea: violet

This delicate flower, with the name “violet” (lat. Víola), lives in the fields and the home window sills. More than seven hundred species of plants of the violet family make the flower unique. It is used as an ornamental plant, used in cooking, aromatherapy and folk medicine. It is associated …

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Products from which to refuse after 40

How to preserve youth and health, and avoid becoming a victim of age-related diseases “Healthy food is useful at any age, but especially important it is for people who are over forty, you need to begin to confront the disease, the probability of which increases with aging – heart failure, …

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Nervousness affect the symptoms of allergies

Even a small psychological stress and anxiety can substantially worsen the signs of allergic reaction to ordinary stimuli. Emotional stress causes a much worse and serious allergic symptoms, including potentially deadly asthma attacks, found American physicians of Ohio state University and the University of Mississippi. Immunologists came to these conclusions …

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Simple tips to make your skin radiant

Following these not difficult rules, you will make the skin healthier.Laugh more. The fun not only reduces stress, but also helps produce hormones of joy endorphin, which, of course, a positive effect on the skin. Take vitamin A. If the body lacks of vitamin A, immediately weakens the immune system …

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The subtleties of the autumn diet

Autumn is a time of year when your body starts rebuilding, he’s cold, he needs a special diet. During the seasonal adaptation of body is particularly sensitive to adverse factors. Nutrients cannot enter the cells properly, and metabolic processes are upset. As a result, the body metabolizes carbohydrates worse. Therefore …

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