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Products from which to refuse after 40

Продукты, от которых нужно отказаться после 40How to preserve youth and health, and avoid becoming a victim of age-related diseases

“Healthy food is useful at any age, but especially important it is for people who are over forty, you need to begin to confront the disease, the probability of which increases with aging – heart failure, osteoporosis and others. Besides, a healthy diet will help to save energy and look younger,” – says nutritionist Sylvia Tremblay in the column for ehow.com.

Switch from white bread to whole wheat, pasta from durum wheat, buy black or brown rice
She calls six products from which to refuse, to avoid premature aging.

1. Simple carbohydrates

Say goodbye to simple carbohydrates – or at least significantly reduce their consumption to stay healthy. Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly, causing quick rises in blood sugar levels and then drops dramatically, which makes you feel hungry and tired. Especially simple carbohydrates harmful after 40, since they lead to large fluctuations of blood sugar.

What to replace: whole Grain foods. Switch from white bread to whole wheat, pasta from durum wheat, buy black or brown rice.

2. Fat dairy products

Dairy products enhance your health in the aging process. This is a fantastic source of calcium that retains your bones healthy and strong. In addition, they supply the muscles with protein. But after forty-greasy dairy products can harm. Due to fatty dairy products increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, which may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases and occurrence of chronic inflammations that lead to aging of cells. Some fatty foods (ice cream or fat yoghurt) also contain sugar, which you can gain weight.

What to substitute: low-fat counterparts of milk, yogurt and kefir.

3. Diet sodas

Most likely, you already don’t drink so much soda, as in adolescence, but even diet sodas can be harmful to humans at the age of 40. This is a very acidic environment, so drinking soda can damage your enamel and contribute to tooth decay.

What to replace: mineral water. You’ll get effervescence without the harmful acid, and your teeth will remain safe.

4. Canned soups

Salt they contain in excessive amounts, it leaches calcium from bone which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Moreover, it causes swelling, causing you to look tired and unhealthy.

What to replace: Homemade soups, wholesome.

5. Margarine

If you buy margarine as a healthy alternative to butter, it is time to think. Margarine made from vegetable fats, which in normal conditions at room temperature would be liquid, and in order to keep it solid, it is run through a process called hydrogenase. This process generates TRANS fats – the most harmful form of fat.

What to replace: Coconut oil. It’s full of healthy fats, levels the cholesterol and 100% pure from TRANS fats.

6. Processed meat

If you still eat processed meat (sausage, pepperoni, bacon, etc.), after 40, you should stop. These products contain huge amounts of salt, artery clogging saturated fats and may even contain TRANS fats.

What to substitute: Chicken, Turkey, tuna and salmon. You will get your dose of protein, but without the harmful salts and TRANS fats.

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