Home / Medicine / Scientists are told what foods you can’t eat on an empty stomach

Scientists are told what foods you can’t eat on an empty stomach

Ученые рассказали, какие продукты нельзя есть натощакExperts have made a list of foods that are better excluded from the diet in the morning.

Dieticians from the Royal University made the list of foods that are not recommended to drink on an empty stomach.

Eaten in the morning, they not only will not bring benefits, but also will provoke exacerbation of existing diseases.

According to experts, oranges eaten on an empty stomach will lead to allergies and gastritis, and persimmon and tomatoes can provoke the formation of gastric stone. Raw cucumbers, as well as peppers and cabbage, will cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Drunk on an empty stomach yogurt won’t hurt, but its healing properties are thus greatly reduced. This product speeds up the metabolism and digestion of food, so in empty stomach it has no place.

Sweets and sugary drinks will trigger a disturbance of acid-base balance. While nutritionists warn women to drink on an empty stomach cold drinks – they can cause disruptions of the menstrual cycle. The most dangerous for taking in the morning products were recognized as different species preservation, garlic and smoked – they cause gastrospasm.

While the British scientists said that in the morning is best to drink one or two glass of warm purified water (you can add a little lemon juice). It will cleanse the stomach from accumulated during the night products, and also adjusts the body to a normal job.

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