Home / Medicine / Purple panacea: violet

Purple panacea: violet

Сиреневая панацея: фиалкаThis delicate flower, with the name “violet” (lat. Víola), lives in the fields and the home window sills.

More than seven hundred species of plants of the violet family make the flower unique. It is used as an ornamental plant, used in cooking, aromatherapy and folk medicine. It is associated with rituals and charms in different folk magic. For example, placing the beloved under the insole fresh flower Pansy (viola tricolor) can be expected on his part of tenderness and love. So our grandmothers were attracted into your life sweethearts.

Folk medicine uses many species of violet in the treatment and prevention of different ailments.
Fragrant violet (Viola odorata) effectively struggling with stagnant in the lungs, fragility of blood vessels and hypersensitivity of the skin. In leaves and flowers of this plant contains significant amount of salicylic acid (aspirin). Infusions of this plant have a slight anesthetic, rinse their mouth and throat. Leaves of violets fragrant treat cystitis. Internal use of scented violets requires very careful preparation and accuracy in the use as herb in large doses can be poisonous.

Violet syrup is made from the flowers of viola, it is used as a natural dye and laxative.
Viola tricolor, or pansies (Víola trícolor) is sometimes incorrectly called Ivan-da-Marya. In different parts of this plant contains large amounts of alkaloids – violin, inulin, sapolin. This is what led to the use of wild pansies in the treatment of a variety of illnesses, from toothache to scrofula, cough up a hernia.
Tablespoon of dry grass to insist in a glass of boiling water for two hours. Take one tablespoon three to four times a day. To use as hot lotions.
Downy violet (Viola hirta (L) korotkovata, and is considered a wild weed. In folk medicine, infusions are used to treat cough, runny nose, headache, colds, hernia and convulsions. The plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Grandma’s recipe reads: a teaspoon of dry herb violet pubescent pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature and infuse for two hours in a closed vessel. Take two tablespoons three times a day.
Violet the dog (Víola canína) in the nation has many other names – Violetta, rannik, core. The plant has a mild laxative effect, is a powerful diuretic and analgesic. Water infusion is used for coughs, chest pains, colds and hoarseness of voice, bronchitis and tumors.

The crushed leaves of the plant as a poultice applied to wounds. This tired three tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs with boiling water, wrapped the hot mixture in cheesecloth and apply to the sore spot.
Preparations from the roots of the dog violets are used as a strong emetic.
Aromatherapy uses plant species of violet as a source of oil-bearing crops. For obtaining aromatic oils specially grown varieties “Victoria” and “Parma”. Intensive-green, viscous liquid with a characteristic floral odor is oil extracted from the leaves of scented violets. From the flowers of the plant turns yellow-green essential oil with a pronounced rich floral aroma.
As cosmetics orris oil is used for skin ulcers, rashes and ulcers.
Delicate aroma of scented violets calms the nervous system, promotes rapid relaxation, has a strong anti-stress effect and strengthens the heart.

Aromatic oil of violets in the home helps in the treatment of Qatar, bronchitis, colds and infections of the oral cavity, relieves headaches, cleanses pores, treats of Vienna. It is used in the treatment of anaemia, obesity, gastritis, arthritis, a rash, a sore throat, with Botkin’s disease and as a strong diuretic.

To use aromatic oil in the treatment usually used by three ways – inhale the oil straight from the bottle, applied to the body on the points or diffuse the oil around the room. However, a more effective method is the use of an oil burner and the preparation of smelling salts.

In the aroma lamp with water and add twenty drops of essential oil. To light a candle and turn on the meditation music.
Smelling salts is prepared as follows. In ordinary table salt to add 20-30 drops of the aromatic oil and the mixture thoroughly mixed. Then pour in a plastic or cloth bag and tightly to sew or solder iron. Make a few small holes through which you can make the session aromaterapii.
Aromatic oils can be added to the water for baths; cosmetics; tonics, creams, gels; in water for cleaning floors in the house. This will clear space, body, and soul.

Aromatherapy centuries ago proved its healing effect on humans. Scents of nature instead of pills and strengthen the immune system and help to recover naturally.

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