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The reason “stale” breath, which you might not know

Sharp and bad breath may indicate the presence of certain diseases. The success of human life depends not only on intelligence and speed of thought, but also from confidence. Unpleasant mouth odor in the morning, shy of everyone. Also we are concerned about fresh breath in the moment of an …

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A dozen homemade recipes for beauty, against freckles

Tired of freckles? Offer effective ways that will help them lighten up or completely eliminated. Sometimes freckles look very cute. But, unfortunately, they are not all significant and some of the girls, causing discomfort when applying makeup. Besides, people who have this mottled invasion, freckles are not only face, but …

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The most effective method of dealing with depression

It turns out that bad mood and depression can be defeated. For this you just need to go for a workout in the gym. A new study by American scientists also “hints” at the fact that a sedentary lifestyle can have on brain function negative effects, writes the Chronicle.Info with …

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This product can improve the entire body

Garlic is literally a “lifesaver” for the human body. Use it is obvious and repeatedly proven: garlic is recommended to add to many condiments and sauces – it is a powerful antioxidant, rich in minerals, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Zdravoe. Properties garlic has always been associated with health, …

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The implicit and explicit causes of pain in the head

Scientists have provided the info you need to know with headaches. To headaches include pain that appear in the head or upper neck. Sources of pain are the tissues and structures that are located around the brain; in the brain itself has no nerves that could cause pain, writes the …

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Deficiency of this vitamin leads to Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists conducted a global study which revealed that vitamin D deficiency leads to serious diseases. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with a rapid decline in cognitive function among older adults, thereby exposing them to increased risk of development of Alzheimer’s disease, warn the us scientists from Rutgers University …

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Up to 70% of drugs in Ukraine are not treated, – Musy

Soon a huge amount of drugs will disappear from pharmacies. In the Verkhovna Rada said that most of the drugs on pharmacy shelves is actually not treated, and doctors have no full information about the effects of drugs. To solve the problem, the MPs will require manufacturers to publish data …

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Scientists strictly forbid to do it on an empty stomach

To make important decisions hungry not recommended scientists, as a fasting person can make a mistake, what then comes to regret. Sometimes each of us acts rashly, and then scolds himself for the impulsiveness and lack of patience, eat before an important event, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the …

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