Home / Medicine / The reason “stale” breath, which you might not know

The reason “stale” breath, which you might not know

Причины "несвежего" дыхания, о которых вы могли не знатьSharp and bad breath may indicate the presence of certain diseases.

The success of human life depends not only on intelligence and speed of thought, but also from confidence. Unpleasant mouth odor in the morning, shy of everyone. Also we are concerned about fresh breath in the moment of an important meeting, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

The medical name of this problem is halitosis, it may become a psychological problem, so to solve it is not only possible, but necessary.

Causes of bad breath

Halitosis is of two types: true and pseudohalides.

True halitosis is when unpleasant mouth odor noticed by others. The reasons for it may lie in the peculiarities of human physiology and metabolism. Also odor can be a symptom of disease.

Pseudohalides is barely noticeable bad breath, which is noticeable only in close contact with the person. Commonly patients have halitophobia – the belief that he has bad breath, although the dentist did not confirm this. Bad breath in the morning is called “hunger breath” and does not indicate a problem.

Physiological halitosis is caused due to plaque on the teeth and residue in the oral cavity.

Pathological bad breath is caused as a result of diseases of the teeth, sore throat, gums. It can also be a symptom of diseases of the kidneys, liver, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.

Also breath occurs when the accumulation of plaque in gingival pockets and other dental problems, such as diseases of the salivary glands.

Temporary effects on breath can have antibiotics, hormones and antihistamines, stress. In this case, the saliva becomes viscous and stringy.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, always accompanied by belching, heartburn and unpleasant odors. Some diseases of the liver and biliary tract diseases such as cholecystitis and hepatitis, can also give such symptoms.

Chronic nasal disease and near-mouth areas of the infection of the respiratory tract, may cause such phenomena as bad breath.

The smell of ammonia in the breath can indicate kidney failure and other kidney diseases.

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