Home / Medicine / Up to 70% of drugs in Ukraine are not treated, – Musy

Up to 70% of drugs in Ukraine are not treated, – Musy

До 70% лекарств в Украине не лечат, - МусийSoon a huge amount of drugs will disappear from pharmacies.

In the Verkhovna Rada said that most of the drugs on pharmacy shelves is actually not treated, and doctors have no full information about the effects of drugs. To solve the problem, the MPs will require manufacturers to publish data from clinical trials — such a bill is already included in the agenda and are prepared to vote before the end of the session. It is reported by the Chronicle.Info with reference for UBR.

If accepted, doctors and patients will be able to know how experienced the drug, how it has been effective and what side effects happen each.

The list of drugs shock

Now the access to clinical trials is closed. Experts say that this casts doubt on most of the drugs in pharmacies: it is not proved that they are really fighting with the disease and relatively safe for the body. Deputies say that you can’t believe no label, no instructions, no advertising — all printed, not supported by scientific data.

“Up to 70 percent of the drugs that are on the shelves, do not use in treatment protocols in Europe — they do not cure the underlying disease, and relieve symptoms. For example, medicines — powders, teas, candies — the virus is not destroyed. Their composition is mainly paracetamol, so they bring down the temperature. But the paracetamol should not be taken more than one gram per day, i.e. two sachets of powder, otherwise it threatens with complication in the kidney,” says one of the authors of the project, ex-Minister of health, Oleg Musiy.

One of the consequences of the law — the list of drugs will be significantly reduced. According to the Director of the Association of pharmacies of Vladimir Rudenko, it is necessary to leave only those remedies that have undergone studies and have proven effective. The rest, or to withdraw from the sale, or put into the category of biological additives is not considered a drug and does not need testing).

“Now the drugs under the guise of selling products who simply attributed medicinal properties. But in fact any test was not performed. And even, on the contrary, they may have unknown side effects,” says Vladimir Rudenko. For such consumer fraud impose criminal liability.

Manufacturers against

The annual turnover of pharmacies in Ukraine is about UAH 30 billion. Innovations in the pharmaceutical business is looking without enthusiasm, fearing that they will be obliged to publish a commercial secret. “Open only part of the information, otherwise other companies may use these materials and create the same medicine,” says Secretary of the European business Association Natalia Sergienko.

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