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Banana drink will help lose weight and improve your health

Experts told about the benefits of banana beverage. To forget about brittle nails, dull hair and dark circles under the eyes, eat this healthy shake every morning and grow younger day by day. Composition: 300 g of milk, 3 tablespoons of dry oatmeal, 1 banana a tablespoon of honey. Preparation: …

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Named as a new way of dealing with migraine

Scientists have found that can cause a migraine. American scientists have invented a simple and effective way of dealing with a headache. Experts said that people with chronic migraine, can make their life easier with the help of special sunglasses or light therapy. Scientists are reminded that at the present …

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Low back pain: main causes and treatment

Named the main reasons of low back pain and effective methods of treatment. Treatment of osteoarthritis should include painkillers, drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the spine. Of great importance also diet and healthy lifestyle. Only a comprehensive approach to treatment can ease the patient’s condition. Features …

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Simple way to get rid of a headache

Scientists invented a new way to treat migraine headaches. American scientists have invented a simple and effective way of dealing with a headache. Experts said that people with chronic migraine, can make their life easier with the help of special sunglasses or light therapy. Scientists are reminded that at the …

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How to maintain the beauty and health with coffee

5 coffee beauty recipes.If you’re a big fan of coffee and can’t imagine your day without this aromatic drink, then you probably also will appeal to coffee beauty recipes! With their help, you will be able to lose weight, get rid of wrinkles and to regain the rich color of …

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Migraine treatment folk remedies

Currently there is no reliable drug drug which can prevent the migraine attack.A migraine is no ordinary headache, but a chronic disease, in some cases hereditary, continued for several years. During the attack there is a severe unilateral headache. Usually it lasts at least twelve hours and accompanied by nausea …

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These products are beneficial to the brain

9 products that will help you focus.If instead of clarity, in my head fog, and thought “not for rent”, perhaps it’s time to reconsider your diet. In this collection tells of the most useful substances and products for the brain. 1. BlueberriesStudies show that the nutrients in blueberries improve concentration …

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Became known, why have nightmares

Named for several reasons.Scientists have identified several reasons why people at night having nightmares. The researchers identified several main reasons for bad dreams. Cause nightmares can various medications, quite common and often prescribed by doctors. They affect chemical reactions in the brain, which causes frightening visions. The “culprits” bad dreams …

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In what diseases is contraindicated strawberry

Due to its porous structure strawberry accumulates the strongest allergen – pollen.To succumb to the temptation of strawberry is not necessary, people with gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer. To blame small bones that irritate. There is an opinion that we should not go for strawberries people with gout: it can intensify …

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