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These products are beneficial to the brain

 Эти  продукты благотворно влияют на работу мозга9 products that will help you focus.

If instead of clarity, in my head fog, and thought “not for rent”, perhaps it’s time to reconsider your diet.

In this collection tells of the most useful substances and products for the brain.

1. Blueberries

Studies show that the nutrients in blueberries improve concentration and memory for up to 5:00 after eating it. This happens due to the antioxidants contained in it – these connections stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues of the brain.

2. Green tea

Quality green tea is your best friend and helper in those moments when you especially need a clear mind. A Cup of hot drink will help at least for 2 reasons: caffeine and L-theanine. There is no doubt that these substances can help you focus, increase alertness and improve the ability to concentrate. Moreover, it is believed that the addition of whole milk in green tea enhances the effect.

3. Avocado

The work of each organ of our body depends on good blood supply. The brain especially. The improved circulation will help us fatty acids are avocados increase the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. A high content of dietary fiber in this buttery fruit helps to regulate blood sugar levels and controls hunger.

4. Greens and leafy vegetables

We were very lucky: favorite in Ukraine, dill, parsley and green onions – it’s a brilliant source of antioxidants and carotenoids, which help the brain. But more popular in the West, leafy vegetables – spinach, lettuce, corn, and arugula, can be included in the diet and more often, because they contain folic acid and b vitamins, proven to improve memory, attention and overall brain health . A small hint – the darker green, the better.

5. Nuts

When your brain urgently needs recharging, a handful of nuts would be a great snack for the Institute and work. Almost any nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E – antioxidant, slows age-related decline of cognitive functions. They are also rich in essential oils and amino acids that help increase focus.

6. Fatty fish

Talk about fatty fish, keep in mind omega-3 fatty acids – in the literal and figurative sense. Scientists call these healthy fats “first aid for the mind”. It was found that people suffering from a lack of omega-3, often complain of poor memory, inability to concentrate, mood swings, depression and fatigue. To resolve these symptoms include in your diet at least 3 times a week, trout, salmon, mackerel, herring and other fatty fish.

7. Water

Like any other function of our body, concentration and active mental activity depends on whether we drink enough water. Moisture is necessary for active work of all the divisions of the brain: it has been proven that during normal saturation of the organism, the brain begins to think faster and better focused on the task at hand. So get yourself a nice water bottle and don’t forget about the necessary 8 glasses of fluid a day.

8. Bitter chocolate

In the case of future active mental activity – planning meetings, staff meetings, brainstorming sessions – always keep at hand a few cubes of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of above 70%. First, it contains small amounts of caffeine, which helps stimulate brain activity. Secondly, dark chocolate contains magnesium, which reduces stress, stimulates the release of endorphins and serotonin, which ultimately enhances the mood and improves the ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

9. Flax seeds

Some experts call len a “super”, because the seeds contain a record for a plant-based product, the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B vitamins and fiber. All together, these compounds nourish the brain and improve concentration. Don’t forget that in a dense shell of flax seeds can be hard to digest, so it’s best to eat them in milled form as a Supplement to a salad, soup, yogurt, or strip.

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