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Simple way to get rid of a headache

Простой способ избавления от головной болиScientists invented a new way to treat migraine headaches.

American scientists have invented a simple and effective way of dealing with a headache.

Experts said that people with chronic migraine, can make their life easier with the help of special sunglasses or light therapy.

Scientists are reminded that at the present time about 15% of the population suffers a nasty disease known as migraine. It can be characterized by several symptoms, but the most pronounced among them is a severe headache, the perception of which becomes even more painful because of the pain in the eyes, sensitivity to light, smells and sounds, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Scientists, workers in the headache Center of Norsol in the Israeli medical center in Boston analyzed data on 70 patients suffering from migraine. Experts have concluded that one of the main symptoms of the disease is increased sensitivity of the eyes of the patient. The researchers conducted an experiment in which have an effect on the volunteers with migraine with light of varying colors, defining the influence of each on the experimental condition.

During the experiment, scientists found that the worst thing in the patients with migraine is affected by blue light, from which the pain in his head only intensified. But the green light of low intensity on the contrary decreases by about 20% headache, and significantly reduces the risk of increased sensitivity.

The research claim that using light therapy patients will be able to easily cope even with strong migraine attacks. The scientists noted that increased sensitivity to light are guilty in 80% of attacks. Because of this, according to experts, many patients are trying to be in a dark room.

Based on the results of their study, the researchers stated that patients with migraine required special glasses that only allow the green rays of the spectrum. With their help, patients can improve their condition. By the way, the researchers on its laurels not going to stop. They intend to continue to explore ways to treatment migraines.

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