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Migraine treatment folk remedies

Лечение мигрени народными средствамиCurrently there is no reliable drug drug which can prevent the migraine attack.

A migraine is no ordinary headache, but a chronic disease, in some cases hereditary, continued for several years.

During the attack there is a severe unilateral headache. Usually it lasts at least twelve hours and accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Nature of migraine is not explained until the end of scientifically, so at the moment there is no reliable drug drug which is able to prevent the attack. All the more reason for beginning it can be a variety of factors: dyspnea, stress, strong smell, etc.

Migraine treatment by means of traditional medicine consists of two components – to prevent the attacks and migraine therapy. The goal of treatment is to prevent the return of headaches.

When the attack occurs, you can take a decoction of the leaves or young stems of raspberry from the root of a willow. The composition of these plants is acetylsalicylic acid, it suppresses pain and reduces blood clotting. The effect can be enhanced if you take the infusion, combined with strong black tea.

More effective drug is the infusion of ergot. To make it, insist a half-teaspoon of ergot in a glass of boiling water. You need to take a tablespoon four times a day. It is strictly forbidden to take this decoction in pregnancy, in atherosclerosis or hypertension. The horns never exceed more than seven consecutive days.

Also to relieve headaches you can use the tools for external use. Peppermint and lemon balm is rubbed behind the ear, in the forehead, temples, and the pain caused by cervical vertebrae – in the neck. In forehead and temples, you can RUB the cumin oil, because it has anticonvulsant properties.

If it is not possible to apply these tools, you can resort to water therapy at Kneipp. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and on the regulation of vascular health. To start take a cold compress on the head. Wet hair with cool water and cover it with a towel, better to use linseed, strengthen all bandage tightly do not tighten. Compress leave for an hour and a half, if necessary, take several times a day.

You can also make compresses distracting. Put it on the back of a warm compress, and make the feet cold. Or prepare a cool bath for the feet.

To prevent the next attack of pain or at least reduce the probability of its occurrence by using simple diet. You must avoid drinking strong coffee or tea, alcohol, eat less meat, cheese and chocolate.

Eat more fresh vegetables, except the tomatoes, and drink plenty of fluids, since a lack of water in the body often provokes another wave of migraine. Experts recommend to take vitamins of group B.

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