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Named “formula” to a perfect day

According to the coach, this formula will help to work more productively and get more done.Everyone has their secrets right day of productive work and a healthy lifestyle. But, if you listen to the opinion of a professional?According to the canadian fitness trainer Craig Ballantyne, a productive day starts with …

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Healthy foods for cancer prevention

Scientists call the products that protect against cancer.Experts from the American Institute for cancer research has made the shortlist of the products of cancer, which should be present in the daily human diet. It turns out that individually, no one, even the most useful product, does not protect people from …

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Named products, that are not drink alcohol

7 foods not to eat alcohol.We offer you various studies and doctors ‘ recommendations – what don’t mix alcoholic drinks. Now you will be somewhat surprised among the products named doctors and scientists, many familiar to us snacks. But if you do not want problems, its better to listen to …

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Healthy sleep depends on these simple factors

Proper sleep is the key to a good day. Want to be attractive, effective, successful? Then stop counting sheep and fighting with the alarm clock. Sleep well tonight and make healthy sleep your permanent habit. Experts from the American organization National Sleep Foundation for many years engaged in the study …

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Experts told about the harm of air conditioners

Especially dangerous dirty air conditioners. We are confident that you are repeatedly hiding in the supermarket in search of opportunities “to lower degree”. A supermarket and happy — you buy something while you’re chilling. However, be careful, because the air conditioning could be a dangerous thing. This story happened in …

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Scientists have found an unusual cure for stress

Creativity helps to cope with stress. In order to cope with stress, enough to focus the work only 45 minutes a day. Scientists claim that it doesn’t matter whether you’re a professional artist or just drawing the dots. Creative classes are useful for everyone, even for those who do not …

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Fatty foods can literally kill a person

Basically, the fat accumulates in the liver, leading to organ dysfunction and death. Psychologists from Johns Hopkins University found that the human body is able to support the breakdown of fat even when disturbed liver functions. However, meals high in fat can kill a human body. A study published in …

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Named products that protect the stomach is not worse than the pill

Sometimes the gifts of nature are perfectly cope with the disease. Stomach problems get less than a is increased acidity, reflux, gastritis, discomfort after eating. Many resort to gastrocystoplasty. These medications, designed to protect the stomach, we often use even without a doctor’s prescription. But they, if taken regularly, can …

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Named habits that are slowly killing the brain

Many people do not pay attention to them. The brain is the main organ of the human body. We could not survive without him. And in the twenty-first century and most of the professions associated with mental activity. Currently, the brain we need as never before. So why do we …

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Doctors say that herbal teas can be harmful

They need to drink with caution. Herbal teas can not be drunk as ordinary tea or water. These drinks can be drunk only courses and under the supervision of a physician, but not all people they can be consumed. About the features of herbal teas told Russian naturopath doctor Svetlana …

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