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Eating walnuts will help to slow the aging process

It turned out that walnuts not only affect health, but the aging of the body. Scientists from Harvard medical school reported that walnuts can slow the aging process. In the course of conducting some research it became clear that their use improves the physical and mental functions of the body. …

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These foods cause a gargantuan appetite

Named products, which people eat more than normal.Despite the use of many products, their use leads to increased appetite. Nutritionists have compiled a list of those foods, using which you will be extremely difficult to lose weight. In the process of eating some foods very difficult to stop. That is …

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Treatment of mosquito bites folk remedies

5 ideas on how to cure mosquito bites.The bites of pesky mosquitoes can fairly spoil a beautiful summer vacation in the nature. If the pesky insects still managed to leave on your skin a bite, immediately use the following tips that will help you quickly get rid of the redness …

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Named the “therapeutic” fruit

Experts say that regular consumption of this fruit effect on health. Scientists have discovered that regular consumption of avocados improves the quality of food, improves health, increases level of “good” cholesterol, reduces indices of metabolic syndrome and body mass index (BMI). Metabolic syndrome, characterized by a number of specific manifestations, …

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Handling days: healthy eating rules

5 rules for the proper organization of the fasting day.Among the nutritionists and the adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle there are different points of view on discharge. Just the body each of us has its own individual characteristics, and everything depends on them. And of course, it …

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Products to cleanse the blood vessels and arteries

5 best products for cleaning vessels from cholesterol.Our heart just needs to the blood vessels and arteries, responsible for normal functioning of the circulatory system were not clogged with cholesterol plaques. Experts have compiled a list of foods that are most effective for prophylaxis, and in that case, if the …

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How to deal with swelling of the face in the summer

The reasons of occurrence and ways of getting rid of edema. Wake up in the morning with puffiness and bags under the eyes? Causes of facial swelling very much. We’ll show you how to get rid of bags and puffiness under the eyes.The features of the skin under the eyes …

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Called best exercises to strengthen the back

They will help to get rid of back pain. Regular exercises for strengthening back muscles allows you to less tired and strain, prevents scoliosis, helps form correct posture. Strong back muscles activate metabolic and energetic processes. If they are not strengthened by simple exercises at home, there may be symptoms …

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Scientists learned to “switch off” the appetite

This discovery requires further research. The next experiments on rodents have helped scientists to find in the brain of rats plot “turns off” appetite. American scientists from the California Institute of technology has conducted a number of studies and found that when exposed to a medical laser on the amygdala …

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