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Treatment of mosquito bites folk remedies

Лечение укусов комаров народными средствами5 ideas on how to cure mosquito bites.

The bites of pesky mosquitoes can fairly spoil a beautiful summer vacation in the nature.

If the pesky insects still managed to leave on your skin a bite, immediately use the following tips that will help you quickly get rid of the redness and itching.

1. To reduce swelling and relieve itching at the site of the bite, make a lotion by using a decoction of herbal (leaves and flowers of St. John’s wort, peppermint leaves, young oak bark) 1 tablespoon of dry mixture pour 1 Cup of water and place on low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain.

2. Recently a solution of baking soda: 1 teaspoon of baking soda mix with cool boiled water. Solution wipe the bites.

3. Lotions of ammonia solution (alcohol and water 1:5) or ethyl alcohol (vodka and water 1:1) also help relieve itching.

4. To reduce swelling, apply on the bite the ice or cool compresses. Also will help the juice from mint leaves, which has analgesic, anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Can help relieve itching and the usual plantain. Apply to the bite soaked in fresh juice of plantain or cloth soaked in water the leaves.

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