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Called unique healing properties of oranges

It has many useful properties. Orange is one of the most popular and favorite fruits among children and adults. Excellent natural remedy for appetite, orange is a real vitamin bomb. Orange is useful not only as an antioxidant but also as a stimulator of brain activity, enhance digestion, relieves pain …

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Products that prevent the development of cancer

They protect the body’s cells. The development of cancer is closely linked to nutrition. Numerous studies show that the more intake of foods with antioxidants, the higher the body’s resistance to the formation of free radicals, precursors to cancer. Antioxidants inhibit oxidation processes and protect cells from malignant transformation. Scientists …

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To get in shape and lose weight will help home trainer

One only diet for weight loss will not be enough, especially because eliminating from the diet of harmful products, the lean body mass will not increase. Summer is in full swing, although many men and women do not leave ideas to lose weight and tighten your body. However, the majority …

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Named the bad habits of office workers

Office work can harm health. As a rule, most of our day we spend in the workplace. As it turned out, during this time, you can make a lot of unconscious habits that can badly affect our health. 1. Skipping Breakfast Although some scientists still argue, but most experts still …

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Doctors have identified three main useful properties of tea

This drink stimulates brain activity, nourishes the body and even strengthens the immune system. Tea is good, and everybody knows it, but teaching decided to highlight three of its most useful properties. Each type of tea its healthy properties, but it is a unique characteristic of all types. Well, firstly, …

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Eating fish reduces the risk of heart attack

Regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and other heart diseases by 30%. Intake of fatty acids omega-3 in sufficient degree, greatly reduce the risk of occurrence and development of diseases of the cardiovascular plan. American scientists were able to prove that the presence in the diet …

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Called main cause of indigestion

Doctors have called the most important cause of indigestion. Almost 90% of women who periodically suffer from problems with digestion. And, according to scientists from Cambridge, the main reason is stress. This is not surprising, because between the brain and gastrointestinal tract there is a direct communication channel. And even …

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