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Named the main danger of viral hepatitis

Doctors have found that viral hepatitis is much more dangerous than previously thought. The researchers believe their findings should help to develop new measures to combat this disease. With the researchers ‘ conclusions can be found in the EurekAlert! Experts analyzed the amount of data that was collected in the …

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Doctors told how to eliminate the symptom tired legs

Experts told how to fix tired feet. Restless leg syndrome is a widespread disease occurring in 5-10% of the adult population, most often in women. Unpleasant sensations in the legs, bloating, burning, tingling cause discomfort and often cause insomnia. Meanwhile, the disease is quite treatable, the symptoms may disappear in …

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Doctors said the danger of a home mold

Especially it is harmful for children. Children who live in damp houses with mould, most of his peers suffer from asthma, hay fever and other allergic diseases, European scientists warn..An international team of researchers analyzed 61 the work on the effects of mold and fungi on the health of children …

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Named the best folk remedies for the treatment of dermatitis

They require a minimum of means. Skin problems, e.g. dermatitis, is not only an aesthetic problem, because often, is evidence of the other health problems that can be associated with digestive, hormonal disruptions, allergies, etc.. In addition, conventional methods of treatment of dermatitis is not always effective. Experts told about …

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Doctors explained how to get rid of restless leg syndrome

These procedures allow you to feel lightness in the legs. Restless leg syndrome is a widespread disease occurring in 5-10% of the adult population, most often in women. Unpleasant sensations in the legs, bloating, burning, tingling cause discomfort and often cause insomnia. Meanwhile, the disease is quite treatable, the symptoms …

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The doctors said the best method of strengthening the body

Walking – the most simple and accessible means acceptable to people of all ages. The probability of injury during walking compared to more intensive types of movements are minimal and the fun is not less, the author writes numerous methods to improve health Gennady Malakhov in his book “Good muscle …

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Lack of sleep can lead to decreased brain

Researchers are advised to sleep at least seven hours a day. Researchers from Singapore found that lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the size of the human brain. And once again confirmed that adults to maintain health, you must sleep at least seven hours a day. Scientists from …

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Scientists call the factors that are slowly killing us

Of overeating, stress and excessive work hamper our health. Cheap food fast food, long working hours and a continuous barrage of information from the information sources – all of this bore down on modern man, undermining his physical and mental health, warn psychologists from the University of California, USA. American …

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