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Doctors told how to eliminate the symptom tired legs

Медики рассказали, как устранить симптом уставших ногExperts told how to fix tired feet.

Restless leg syndrome is a widespread disease occurring in 5-10% of the adult population, most often in women.

Unpleasant sensations in the legs, bloating, burning, tingling cause discomfort and often cause insomnia. Meanwhile, the disease is quite treatable, the symptoms may disappear in compliance with the regime and a balanced diet.

With the help of simple procedures, including gymnastics, therapeutic baths, and the proper organization of labour is quite possible to return to the legs energy and ease. To increase the tone of blood vessels by using contrast baths for the feet.

Prepare two basin – hot and cold (40-45 °C) water. For a few seconds, lower your legs to one, then a second pelvis alternately 15-20 times. Finishing the procedure, you need to RUB my feet with a towel before the appearance of redness of the skin.

Bring vigor to the feet and help massage with nourishing cream. Movements during the massage should be directed from the toes to the ankle joint. If in the legs, in addition to fatigue, the feeling of cold, it is necessary before the massage, apply foot ointment containing menthol, camphor or eucalyptus extract.

Try to walk barefoot on the earth is fatigue worse special massage. Good effect gives rubbing tired feet with ice cubes from decoctions of chamomile, nettle, sage, lime flowers.

Relieve fatigue bath of sea salt. In a bowl pour warm water (36-38 °C) and add sea salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes In sea salt contains many trace minerals, helping to relax feet and improves skin condition.

To relieve fatigue are also bath decoction of chamomile, lime flowers and honey. 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and lime pour 1 liter of boiling water for 5 min. Add 1 tbsp. of honey, mix thoroughly and drop them in the prepared bath for 15-20 minutes.

Bath of decoction of mint and nettle normalize blood circulation. 1 tbsp. l. nettle and peppermint pour 1 liter of boiling water, let stand 5-7 minutes, diluted with warm water. To take bath for 20 minutes.

Effective bath of a decoction of lemon and orange peel. 1 Cup chopped peel pour 2 liters of boiling water, insist 10 min. Cooled to room temperature and put in the tub feet for 20-25 minutes.

If restless leg syndrome is caused by poor blood circulation, it will help to handle a simple exercise or brisk walking. Doctors also recommend special shoes and so-called “support stockings” which can help to relax your tired feet, promoting blood circulation from the heart down to the feet.

Another common way to reduce discomfort is to lift and stretch your legs up the wall, so that they were above the level of the heart. This exercise can be done at any time for tired legs regained their strength. It is recommended to do this procedure before sleeping.

Sit in a chair next to the wall, turning to the wall face. Sit back in the chair, holding onto the handles so you could lift your feet up the wall. Move the hips closer to the wall. Place a pillow or rolled up towel under my hips or lower back, to make it easier to perform this exercise. So spend 15 minutes, not omitting the legs.

To relieve the symptoms of restless legs syndrome doctors also recommend moderate exercise, such as walking. Try going to the beginning 15 to 30 minutes and then increase the time, if you notice that your symptoms have subsided

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