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Advertising increases alcohol addicted youth, physicians

The world community notes with concern that the percentage of alcohol increases. Moreover, scientists have noted that negative role was played by the advertising of alcoholic beverages, which is so common in the media. The most vivid and attractive advertising of alcoholic brands engages young people aged 18 to 20 …

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Electronic cigarettes increase the need for nicotine

New-fangled gadgets do not help to solve the human need in harmful substance. Electronic cigarettes do not reduce consumption of cigarettes among teenagers, and increase consumption of nicotine. To such conclusion the group of scientists from the American University of southern California on the basis of statistics of tobacco consumption …

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This miracle procedure is unsafe for health

Cryotherapy sessions can be useful, and may be fatal to bring. In the US, the FDA food and drug administration (U. S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA) expressed concern about the growing popularity of the cryotherapy — the appearance of physical therapy, which uses very cold gas, writes <url>.Info with …

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Weight reduction contributes to human rejuvenation

Viennese scientists have discovered a way to reverse the aging process. A new study conducted by the staff of the Medical University of Vienna, showed that bariatric surgery can make a person younger. Bariatrics – branch of medicine dealing with the treatment of obesity. To bariatric surgeries are surgeries like …

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Named drinks that destroy not only the tooth enamel

“Although drinks such as lemonade or soda, may dramatically impair health. Soda acid is greater than in the accumulator, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Comments. Soda drinks, even for a short period cause the destruction of tooth enamel. What to speak about when they consume for several months. But …

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Scientists have proved the benefits of fatty foods

Scientists from America have proved that in the human diet saturated fats should be present in moderate amounts.The researchers came to the conclusion that people who daily consume cheese, meat, pastries or cakes, more prone to heart attacks, dementia and early death. Experts from the Harvard school of public health …

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How to maintain liver health: 5 tips

The main function of the liver is the excretion of toxins from the body, it serves as a natural filter in the human body. One of the most difficult of seasons for the body is in full swing. Many will have to pay for the errors of their food for …

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Simple exercises for effective weight loss

TOP 6 simple and effective exercises for the perfect waist.Every woman dreams of a slim waist. There are many ways how to achieve it, but the main factor of success of a perfect figure – exercise. Below are the TOP 6 simple and effective exercises to achieve the graceful waist …

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