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Treatment of hypertension: the advice of traditional medicine

Лечение гипертонии: советы народной медицины Treatment of hypertension should be comprehensive, long-term, permanent and have to be under the supervision of a physician.

Folk remedies for hypertension in combination with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle in the early stages of the disease in most cases allow you to completely get rid of it.

At later stages a folk remedy to enhance the effects of drugs and will reduce their dosage.

Why develop hypertension

Hypertension (hypertensive disease, arterial hypertension) is increased pressure of blood in the arteries of the systemic circulation, which brings arterial blood to the various organs and tissues. High blood pressure (BP) is often associated with impaired vascular tone. Characteristic hypertension vascular cramps (sharp narrowing clearance receptacles) depend on the state of the nervous system.

Hypertension most often develops on the background of long-term neuro-psychic tension (stress). This leads to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system Innervate blood vessel walls. Aktiviziruyutsya process of increased secretion of substances that raise blood pressure (e.g. adrenaline, noradrenaline) that causes the arteries to contract, causing changes in the internal organs to which they deliver blood.

Prolonged increase in blood pressure disrupted internal organs, particularly affecting the heart, brain and kidneys. In advanced stages of hypertension affects all internal organs are developing severe complications.

How to treat hypertension

In the early stages of the disease is sufficient to the extent possible to avoid stress, lead a healthy active lifestyle, eat right. If you have extra weight, it is recommended to be reduced in order to reduce the load on the heart muscle.

At this stage of the disease folk remedies for hypertension play a major role. Prescribed sedatives, diuretics, heart, lowering AD agents of plant origin. In the later stages prescribed drugs with hypotensive action, which the doctor selects for each patient individually. But at this stage, folk remedies are also used, they are included in the integrated treatment of patients.

Traditional medicine for hypertension recommends the following:

eat more vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish; not to eat fatty, fried, salty, spicy dishes, sweets, caffeinated products (tea and coffee);
folk remedies for hypertension can also a variety of juices; in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, consisting of: half a Cup of Apple juice, ¼ Cup carrot ¼ Cup beetroot; Apple and carrot juices must be fresh; beet juice should be prepared in the evening and survive a night in the fridge;
anti-hypertensive compound; take 2 cups beet juice, 1.5 cups cranberry juice, the juice of one lemon, a Cup of honey and a glass of vodka, all mix, insist in a dark place for three days and take a tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals; treatment – month;
the juice of Aronia honey; fresh juice, take a third Cup 3 times a day with a teaspoon of honey half an hour before meals; treatment – month;
soothing and diuretic collection No. 1. take equal parts of milled raw material: the roots of Valerian, leaves of a cowberry ordinary, anise fruit, leaves mother and stepmother, Linden flowers heart-shaped fruits of the red raspberry; all the mix, 2 tablespoons collection, pour a glass hot boiled water in the morning in a thermos, insist all day and night strain and drink the entire infusion before bedtime as a sleep aid and mild diuretic; treatment 2 months;
soothing and diuretic collection number 2; take 2 parts chopped dried fruit of cinnamon rose and cowberry ordinary, peppermint leaves, mix well; spoon collection pour boiling water in a thermos overnight and take the next day half a Cup 3 times a day as a diuretic and mild sedative; treatment of – month;
the infusion of garlic and lemon; 3 large heads garlic, peel and scroll with 3 unpeeled lemons in a meat grinder; mix well, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for three hours, stirring occasionally, then strain, store in refrigerator and take 2 tablespoons half an hour before meals and at night before bedtime; treatment – 3 weeks;
infusion of oats elecampane and honey; 3 tablespoons unrefined oats rinse, pour 3 liters of water, bring to the boil and infuse for 4 hours; then pour the obtained infusion 4 tablespoons of crushed roots of elecampane, again to finish to boiling and to insist within 2 hours; the infusion cool, strain, squeeze, add 3 tablespoons of honey and take a third Cup three times a day half an hour before meals; treatment – 2 weeks.

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