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The terrible truth about disposable dinnerware

Nowadays plastic utensils can be found everywhere. All the things that are “worthless” and are used only once, contain an impressive list of dangerous chemical compounds. Sales of disposable things are growing worldwide at an incredible pace. In America, there are even supermarkets from the dollar”, which sold hundreds of …

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Scientists: dark chocolate lowers the risk of heart disease

Dark chocolate, according to recent studies, a positive effect on the heart, protecting it from diseases. Studies conducted recently indicate that dark chocolate is very beneficial for mood and health. The text of the experiment appeared on the official website of the journal Science. The feeling that makes your mouth …

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Named the dirtiest places on the plane

Such places are the front seats pockets and folding tables.American physicians reported that the most contaminated places germs on the plane are pockets of the front seats and folding tables. This is reported by experts from the organization for Drexel Medicine. The seat pockets may seem like a good place …

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Named as the main causes of constant hunger

Some people when leaving the house check to see whether we have forgotten the keys and you check the snack. What happens to you.“It would be better not to see how angry you become when you’re hungry. You think eat enough, but how much you stuffed in yourself, you are …

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Daily intake of fruits and vegetables extends life

Nutritionists told me how much fruit and vegetables should be consumed every day.Experts portal, the Kitchn has clearly shown how the daily intake of vegetables and fruits. The centers for control and prevention of diseases of the US reports that the recommended daily amount of vegetables and fruits adheres to …

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Like vegetables influence on the human psyche

Scientists have proven that nutrition has an impact on the human psyche.A group of Australian and British scientists have conducted extensive research that showed the benefits of vegetables and fruits on both physical and mental health. In the study conducted by the University of Warwick and the University of Queensland, …

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Products that help lose weight fast

10 foods that will not add extra pounds.Eat and lose weight is the dream of everyone who ever was on a diet or planning to bring her figure in order. We offer you to familiarize with the list of healthy foods that not only will not add you extra pounds, …

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Leg cramps: causes and treatments

Why legs ache and cramps.Sometimes in the night you Wake up in terrible pain in the legs and sharp cramps that do not let the muscles the next few days. What is it and what is the cause of this pain. The cause of these sensations can be increased intraarticular …

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The soda reduces the reproductive function in men

The drinkers will have to reconsider their views on life. This warn scientists from the University Hospital of Copenhagen. So active consumption of coke resulted in a decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate at 30%. This is revealed in research 2554 men who drank regular and diet …

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