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Products that help lose weight fast

Продукты, помогающие быстро сбросить вес10 foods that will not add extra pounds.

Eat and lose weight is the dream of everyone who ever was on a diet or planning to bring her figure in order.

We offer you to familiarize with the list of healthy foods that not only will not add you extra pounds, but also help to remove a couple of inches in the waist.


Coarse fiber of pineapple cause the intestines to work properly, and substances in pulp, contribute to weight loss. In addition, pineapple contains vitamins A, PP, B12, B2 and B1, which help to saturate the body.


This fruit reduces insulin levels, making you want to eat less. You can get significant weight loss if every meal to eat half a grapefruit or to drink 150 ml of juice from it.


The energy value of herbs is practically equal to zero. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which speeds up the metabolism and helps to quickly get rid of fat in the waist area.


It includes a substance that promotes the removal of toxins and regulate metabolism. Ginger root improves the digestive process and the faster metabolism helps you to lose weight.


In figs a lot of valuable ballast substances. Enough to eat two or three fruit, and hunger will disappear for a long period. In figs little calories, so there can be, not fearing for the figure.


Celery is one of the best dietary products. It contains minimal calories and lots of fiber, and, therefore, he quickly satisfies hunger without harm to the waist. Celery promotes metabolism, allowing you to not worry about extra pounds. It quickly fills the stomach, bringing a minimum of calories and accelerating the fat burning process. Most useful slimming raw celery, so it is best to prepare salads.

Green tea

Promotes weight loss and green tea – in its composition there are substances that contribute to the active fat burning. Nutritionists recommend to drink 3 cups of green tea to get the maximum effect. It is believed that thus you lose 70-80 calories a day. But to abuse this drink should not be, because it provides a stimulating effect on the nervous system.


In the bran is cellulose and b vitamins, which help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Bran are slow to digest, so satisfy your hunger for a long time. They can be used in pure form to add to various dishes or to include in the diet bread with bran.


Wine, like any other alcohol – high-calorie product. In 100 ml of the wine is from 60 to 200 calories, depending on the content of sugar and ethanol. But these calories are absorbed somewhat different principle than those that come from food, so the probability of obesity is very low.


Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats that help to burn extra calories in the waist area. Peanuts are perfect for snacking between meals. Thanks to the peanut metabolism, and fatty acids lower cholesterol. Almonds are rich in vitamins, calcium, dietary fiber, phosphorus, iron and fatty acids. Despite the high fat content, almonds promotes weight loss because of the fat out of the body, bypassing the stage of digestion and absorption. In pine nuts contains pinolona acid, which reduces appetite, in addition, they have more protein rich than other types of nuts. Nuts good for the body and promote weight loss, only eat them in small quantities.

A successful strategy for lasting weight loss will certainly be the combination of these products with exercise.

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