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Leg cramps: causes and treatments

Судороги в ногах: причины и способы леченияWhy legs ache and cramps.

Sometimes in the night you Wake up in terrible pain in the legs and sharp cramps that do not let the muscles the next few days. What is it and what is the cause of this pain.

The cause of these sensations can be increased intraarticular pressure caused by prolonged stay on his feet, intense walking or Jogging, especially in shoes on a hard sole, and also inflammatory diseases of the joints.

In patients of middle and older age this symptom is characterized by deforming arthrosis. If you find yourself swelling, redness of joints, fever, presence of articular “crunch”, hair loss, changes in blood and urine tests, rash on the skin – do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a rheumatologist or an orthopedist.

Leg cramps can be associated with lack of magnesium and vitamin B6, which normalize the nervous system. But if a person feels chronic stress, it is difficult to cope with stress when the body lacks magnesium and vitamin B6.

First and foremost, diversify the diet.

Magnesium contained in these foods: pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables, nuts.

Vitamin B6 look for cabbage, carrots, citrus fruits, dairy products.

Of course, if there were cramps in the legs, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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