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Irregular diet can cause harm

If the power mode is not consistent with the natural biological rhythms of the body, it destroys health. To such conclusion researchers from king’s College London and Newcastle University (UK). The results of their work are published in two papers in the journal Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. The authors …

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That’s what happens to you during fasting

In pursuit of a beautiful body girls often resort to diets that are not really beneficial effect on their health. One such moment is fasting. Experts have named a few frightening changes that happen to our bodies when we sit on an extreme diet. The slowing of the metabolism. When …

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Why tea bags to drink dangerous

As it turned out, tea bags in addition to convenience also has its drawbacks, which can be even dangerous for health. The tea bag you can simply not find the tea, and only dust. If you buy cheap tea bags, you must know that in its manufacture are widely used …

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These foods you can’t eat on an empty stomach

The fact that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many learned. In the end, in the morning we eat in good faith, Yes, but not always what you need… Yeast. They contribute to the development of stomach gas, stomach swells that, you know, not very nice. Therefore, …

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This vegetable is especially useful for men

In addition, eat tomatoes suggest people suffering from “pressure”. Tomato called the most important of the vegetables to prevent the most common diseases. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Illinois. As scholars have noted, most often it is recommended to eat tomatoes, rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus …

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Perfect figure: a few rules for the morning

The ideal shape is a daily job. Lina Fertagus, star fitness trainer and nutritionist said the morning in the best way affects the figure and the entire body. 5 rules for perfect health in the morning with a famous nutritionist and trainer: 1. Woke up, spend 5 minutes on joint …

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Vitamin D: 9 best sources

The best natural sources of vitamin D. Our body is able to produce vitamin D if a person spends enough time in the sun. Until recently it was believed that the sun and meat are the only source of vitamin D. However, we now know that there are many other …

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The power of others affects a person

British scientists while another study found that the environment has an impact on the daily diet. This theme relates to the principles of proper nutrition. Professors from the University of Birmingham spoke about social behavior. Thus, the taste of a man is absolutely dependent on its environment. The experts analyzed …

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Effective rapid diet for quick weight loss

Rapid weight loss for 3 kg.Sometimes in every woman’s life such events occur, for which you just need to lose weight fast. It may be a wedding, birthday, corporate event or reunion, when I want to look especially beautiful and confident. In such cases, can only help quick diet.http://healthinfo.ua/articles/novosti_zdorovia/22626 The …

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