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That’s what happens to you during fasting

In pursuit of a beautiful body girls often resort to diets that are not really beneficial effect on their health. One such moment is fasting.

Experts have named a few frightening changes that happen to our bodies when we sit on an extreme diet.

The slowing of the metabolism. When our body ceases to receive the necessary amount of nutrients, the metabolism slows down so much as possible. Such a regime is necessary for our body to conserve the maximum amount of energy.

Bad breath. If the body does not get enough carbohydrates for energy, it goes into a state called ketosis. At this point, the body produces ketone components that cause bad breath. If you missed Breakfast, then this smell will appear by the afternoon.

A shortage of nutrients. Many of the necessary vitamins and nutrients you can receive from the diet if you adhere to extreme diets. And this leads to development of nutrient deficiency that can cause osteoporosis and anemia.

Fatigue. Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of fasting. When you limit food intake, in the body there is an imbalance of vitamins, which slows down the physiological processes and leads to fatigue. Extreme sitting on a diet is quite difficult to show good results in the gym.

Вот что произойдет с вами во время голоданияThe sleep disturbance. If you go to bed hungry, it leads to gas and stomach discomfort. And these factors really interfere with sleep.

Dehydration. Also a very common symptom for people choosing so-called crash diets. In a state of fasting you can face losing a significant amount of fluid in the body, leading to dehydration.

The loss of muscle mass. Restriction of intake of essential nutrients and especially protein required for muscle growth, will lead to loss of muscle mass.

Dry skin. Following crash diets people often have dry, damaged skin. Fasting causes dryness and peeling of the skin.

Hair loss. Extreme diets negatively affect the hair, which loses the necessary proteins for growth. As a result, the hair becomes too thin and fragile.

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