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Vitamin D: 9 best sources

Витамин D: 9 лучших источниковThe best natural sources of vitamin D.

Our body is able to produce vitamin D if a person spends enough time in the sun.

Until recently it was believed that the sun and meat are the only source of vitamin D. However, we now know that there are many other ways to compensate for the deficiency of this crucial vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to problems with bones, sclerosis, muscle atrophy, depression and even cancer. In addition to the required 10-15 minutes of sun exposure, consider the following foods rich in vitamin D as a Supplement to your daily diet.

Tofu. Tofu is soy cheese, which are usually related to vegan cuisine, but it is useful not only for vegans. In tofu – cooking in all its variations, contains a lot of vitamin D, up to 39% of the daily value in one 250 ml Cup. Tofu is also rich in proteins and calcium. Tempeh is another soy a good source of vitamin D.

Dairy products. Cow’s and goat’s milk are wonderful sources of vitamin D. cow’s milk contains up to 50% of the daily value, while in goat only 39%. Anyway, the milk in any way useful to the human body, it strengthens bones, nails and teeth. It is also worth to pay attention to other dairy products (low fat, if you’re on a diet) such as cheese, butter, yogurt, Oh and don’t forget yogurt – they are also beneficial for digestion.

Mushrooms. Not all mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, and not all of them are equally useful. Black shiitake mushrooms – another source of vitamin D, they retain their properties even after freezing. Mushroom-RAM (or Maitake) and Morel edible also rich in this vitamin.

Eggs. Eggs are a versatile source of everything. They contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals: choline, vitamin a, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, calcium and of course vitamin D. One egg is sufficient to cover 11% of the daily value of vitamin D. In my opinion, this fact alone is enough to start cooking eggs for Breakfast.

Soy and almond milk. If you are lactose intolerant, this milk will be for you a great alternative. Soy milk, almond milk contains a lot of vitamin D – 25% of the recommended daily value. It is worth mentioning that in this “milk” is also full of calcium. Yogurt and cheese made with almond and soy milk is an excellent replacement for the usual dairy products.

Caviar. In eggs, as eggs contain many vitamins and minerals: vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin a, calcium, iron. Caviar is also rich in proteins. I don’t really like eggs, but if you like it, you should add it to your diet. Eggs can be eaten in different ways, but it is not necessary to subject it to heat treatment, so it loses all its useful properties. Well, it’s clear that ROE must be real, not artificial.

Oily fish. Whether smoked, baked, canned or roasted, sardine, mackerel, herring, white fish, mackerel or tuna – no matter, any oily fish is a wonderful source of vitamin D. fish may contain as much as up to 200% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D. However, this fish is extremely high in calories, and if you are trying to lose weight, it is preferable to use the dietary kitchen and cook fish steamed or in the oven.

The fortified cereals. If deep down you’re British and can’t imagine a Breakfast without oatmeal, note on cereals with a high content of vitamin D. However, very fond of cereal is not worth it – they are best eaten in a day, otherwise you risk to harm your stomach.

Fortified orange juice. Despite the fact that in ordinary orange juice has no vitamin D in one Cup of fortified orange juice contains up to 22.5% of the recommended daily allowance of this vitamin. This juice can be a great help in the fight against vitamin D deficiency, but excessive use can cause side effects, including: fatigue, headaches and muscle aches problems with concentration and General fatigue. Vitamin D deficiency is becoming very common problem nowadays, as we more and spend more time home and in the office, thereby depriving themselves of the natural and primary source of vitamin D – the sun. Enrich your diet with foods from the list above, and then you don’t have to think about vitamin d deficiency.

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