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Named the most useful products for women’s health

Especially useful for seasonal fruit. Any fruit for women are incredibly useful because they are rich in vitamins and minerals that help us to remain not only healthy, but also young and beautiful. It is important to use seasonal fruits and vegetables, which have a special favor to the body. …

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Became known, some habits can harm the kidneys

From these habits, better to get rid of. Kidney – one of the most important organs of the human body. Kidney is an efficient, highly organized incredible cleaning machine. That’s why it’s so important to maintain their health and from time to time to check on him. To prevent problems, …

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Scientists have explained, what is the main danger of fast food

One more reason to avoid fast food. Together with fast food in the body people can get potentially harmful chemicals — phthalates. The results of new studies provide opponents fast food new argument. At the request of Dr. Kenneth inspector Speight (Kenneth Spaeth), the head health network Health Northwell, abandoning …

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Prunes will help to conquer hunger and lose weight

This is a very useful dried. If twice a day to eat a handful of prunes, uncontrollable hunger can win and lose weight. This conclusion is contrary to the belief that prunes a lot of calories and sugar, which definitely lead to weight gain. Also know: prunes helps to normalize …

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Named drink recipes with anti-aging effect

They are very useful. Rejuvenate the body with the help of beverages that are present in the diet of any person. Experts in the field of healthy lifestyle called the Top 7 drinks that will help to preserve the beauty, youthfulness and health of your body. The authors of the …

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Five effective ways to quickly freshen breath

This is a problem for many. The cause of bad breath may be a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract, disease of the respiratory system mucous membrane of mouth and lack of hygiene. First of all, you need to find it with the help of a doctor. And while you’re looking …

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Strengthen the walls of blood vessels folk remedies

These methods were used by our grandmothers. The vascular system is one of the indicators of the General processes in the body and its overall health. In the maintenance of normal vascular tone, their structure, durability and permeability play the role of various mechanisms. These include hormonal, neuroendocrine balance, blood …

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Experts said that such a syndrome of “computer sleep”

While working at the computer many involuntarily holding my breath. A lot of people working at the computer, so you have to take in themselves that they even for a while cease to breathe fully. This, according to experts, adversely affects human health. This is evidenced by the research of …

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