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Named drink recipes with anti-aging effect

Названы рецепты напитков с омолаживающим эффектом They are very useful.

Rejuvenate the body with the help of beverages that are present in the diet of any person. Experts in the field of healthy lifestyle called the Top 7 drinks that will help to preserve the beauty, youthfulness and health of your body. The authors of the list and emphasize the importance of knowing how and when to take these products.

First burst green tea, native to drink is China. It is noted that, a large effect has a white tea, but if not, then it’s green. Minimally fermented leaves contain a large amount of polyphenols.

Second place in the TOP 7 scientists is a hibiscus, came to us from the hot African continent. The Arabs regularly use so-called “drink of the pharaohs”, considering it an effective cure almost all diseases. The source for the emergence of the tea beverage is the Sudanese rose or Hibiscus sabdariffa. It is believed that anthocyanins, betraying red hibiscus, exhibit P-vitamin activity. Due to this is strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Next on the list of rejuvenating drink is coffee, which, thanks to the effects of caffeine on the body blocks the signal path on which the chain is passed through the information responsible for the start-up of various natural processes. One Cup can not only lift your mood and performance in case of fatigue, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and improves memory and attention.

In fourth place — cocoa — also a rejuvenating drink. It should be noted that historians found confirmation of the status of a sacred drink of Aztec and Mayan. Of useful medical properties attributed to cocoa first and foremost countering platelets from sticking together.

Fifth place popular beverage is tomato juice. It is especially useful for people who have noticed vision problems – this elixir can help people with poor eyesight. Also doctors advise to use it daily for people suffering from various cancers.

In sixth place with a drink from the hips. A decoction of rose hips are rich in vitamin C, therefore it is recommended to drink in diseases or bone fractures. In medicine, the beneficial properties of this drink know yet since the eighteenth century.

And seventh place healthy drinks took red wine. Drinking one glass of wine a day can strengthen the immune system. But doctors warn that only moderate consumption of red wine may beneficially affect the human body.

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