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Nutritionists advise to desalinate food

Reducing the amount of salt in the diet is useful not only for health but also for the figure. However, the lack of salt can cause pressure, weakness, inhibition of metabolism, headaches, disorders of coordination, fainting and dizziness. However, the restriction of salt is not recommended for people with high …

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The most useful combination of ingredients to promote health

Named 5 of the most useful combinations of products .Food it is important to match not only the criteria of taste, but also useful, experts believe. Of the most effective in their positive effect on health doctors have selected five powerful combinations. In accordance with the results of studies conducted …

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Effective exercises for a strong and healthy sleep

Yoga for better sleep.We are all accustomed to the fact that an adult for a rest it is necessary to sleep not less than seven hours. However, most often no one is to find a dream more than six. There are bags under the eyes, constant irritation and painful desire …

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Named unexpected cause of asthma

Asthma may occur because of fear of losing their jobs.Scientists have proved that anxiety about whether there is a continuing workplace for an employee or worker in terms of job cuts, could trigger the first and, unfortunately, not the last asthma attack. During the recent economic downturn in Europe, which …

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This drink slows the aging process

A glass of red wine will benefit your health.Scientists from Boston University (USA), came to the conclusion that the consumption of red wine protects against cellular aging, which may slow down the inclusion of the degenerative processes of old age, and the appearance stays youthful. Effect of red wine on …

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Called foods that cause fatigue

Eight unexpected foods that cause fatigue.Experts told about unexpected foods that provoke weakness and depletion. Loss of energy is not always connected with endless work and lack of sleep. . Sometimes life force is influenced by the foods we eat. Fatigue can cause not only such obviously unhealthy food like …

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These factors slow down the process of metabolism

Workouts and diets can be ineffective because of impaired metabolism still will not allow gaining the desired figure. Many slim people owe their beauty not so much the right way of living, but the accelerated metabolism. The following are the reasons that slow down metabolism. While at least most of …

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How to deal with the “syndrome of refusal of coffee

To get rid of this dependence is not so simple. Withdrawal symptoms of coffee is a process that is accompanied by headaches, when a person decides to abandon careinogenesis. Used to the coffee very quickly, is a drug of sorts. Weaning occurs slightly painful. Caffeine is an alkaloid and Central …

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