Home / Medicine / Scientists have found the reason lack of sleep in the summer

Scientists have found the reason lack of sleep in the summer

Ученые нашли причину недосыпа летомOften the warmer months turn into chronic sleep deprivation.

British scientists were able to figure out why in the summer people do not have enough time for a good sleep.

Warm season turns into a human constant lack of sleep for several reasons.

The researchers conducted the survey, which involved 2 thousand people. The majority of respondents (93%) admitted that in the summer they can not relax during sleep. From years of lack of sleep there are several triggering factors: hot weather, the desire not only to work but also to relax, resulting in 24 hours is clearly not enough. An active lifestyle leads to the fact that at night people can not sleep, on average, he manages only 5.5 hours to spend in the sleep state.

In the winter people, on average, sleep for 7.5 hours. In addition, a large amount of sunlight is typical for the summer, inhibits the production of the body hormone melatonin – responsible for sleep substances.

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