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These factors slow down the process of metabolism

Эти факторы замедляют процесс обмена веществ Workouts and diets can be ineffective because of impaired metabolism still will not allow gaining the desired figure.

Many slim people owe their beauty not so much the right way of living, but the accelerated metabolism.

The following are the reasons that slow down metabolism. While at least most of them are not excluded, any weight loss methods will not be as effective as we would like.


Stress slows down metabolism. As studies have shown, during times of stress the female body burns 100 fewer calories than at rest.

The lack of iron

Iron acts as a supplier of oxygen to the muscles. During oxygen starvation energy level declines, and with it slows down metabolism. Do not forget to include in your diet foods rich in iron: buckwheat, legumes, liver.

The consumption of fruits and vegetables with nitrates

The fruit, which should bring benefits to the body, unable to hurt him! Follow the quality of consumed vegetables and fruits: chemicals, which they are often treated, interfere with the normal metabolism.

The lack of iodine

The thyroid gland directly affects metabolism, so it is necessary from time to time to feed using jodirovannuju salt and eating seafood, eggs.

Too high temperature in the house

Doctors have long advised to ventilate the room before going to sleep, and the reason is not only the destruction of bacteria. The cold will activate the subcutaneous fat, which is responsible for burning calories.

Wrong snacking

Constant snacking fast carbs only harm the figure. Replace biscuits, buns, sweet yogurt to nuts. They contained polyunsaturated fats help to increase the activity of hormones responsible for fat burning.

Late morning rise

The morning sun tunes our body to the right further day rhythm. And he, in turn, regulates sleep, food intake and amount of energy expended. Take in the morning vitamin D to run metabolic processes.

Exception of strength training

A good work-out, you crank up the metabolism for a period up to 48 hours. Remember that the more muscle mass is accreted, the less fat.

The absence in the diet of dairy products

In dairy products contain nutrients and acids that affect fat burning and the formation of new muscles. In addition, milk contains calcium which is very important for the regulation of metabolism.

Not drinking enough water

The daily rate of water for the normal metabolism of 1.5 liters per day. Well burns calories and green tea, as a number of detox drink removes toxins from the body.

Irregular meals

Eating regularly, you cause the body to store energy, because he doesn’t know when and if another meal. Eating food every 3-4 hours, you make stability in the digestive system and support metabolism.

After working on these problems, you can return the metabolism to normal and then for a short time, the body will burn excess and make atonement for himself. Just enough not to disturb him.

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