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Simple ways of lowering the temperature without medication

How to bring down high fever folk sredstvami The flu is almost always accompanied by increased body temperature — a protective reaction of the organism to infection. The most favorable temperature for the influenza virus 35 s, with an increase from 37 degrees the conditions for its development are deteriorating …

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Lack of sleep shortens the life

Night work is often the cause of obesity and diabetes. The lack of adequate sleep affects not only the well-being and health, it can also cause hormonal disruptions in the body and disrupt the biological clock. At the same deleterious effect on the body have only one day spent without …

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Kids and tablets: benefit or harm

Tablets and other modern devices can harm the development of children. The Telegraph published a fascinating article. The texts speak about the English Association of teachers and lecturers, claims that children who spend a lot of time on their tablets, don’t you think ordinary children’s activities like building the pyramid …

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Products which I want to eat

Those who follow the figure, it is useful to know a list of ten foods that increase hunger and therefore, can prevent the attainment of ideal weight. 1. Fresh juice“Juice diets are popular for a few years, but they are hardly useful, says dietitian Janel Funk. The process of squeezing …

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Why is it helpful to sleep on your left side

The experts identified the positive impact of such a dream Sleep is important for human health and the correct posture during sleep will help to rejuvenate and feel good. Scientists have found that sleep is on the left side are most useful for our body, reports AdMe.ru and calls 6 …

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Fish oil saves from psychosis, doctors

Psychosis is a group of the most severe mental illnesses. Ingestion of fish oil has a specific effect on the function of the human brain that can be used in the treatment of conditions like psychoses, as well as for the prevention of schizophrenia. Scientists believe that it contained acids …

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Treatment lower back pain folk remedies

Back pain is a very common phenomenon.Back pain most often appears in people in their most active age, i.e. from 30 to 60 years. This is a very common phenomenon, caused by muscle strain in the lower back and is characterized by pain and limitation of mobility. Here you need …

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Doctors called causes of constant fatigue

Biologists from Cornell University decided to see if there’s any connection between chronic fatigue and a violation of the intestinal microflora.Chronic fatigue syndrome is a mysterious disorder that affects a significant part of the population. Fatigue that occurs after any exertion or effort and does not pass even after rest, …

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