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Treatment lower back pain folk remedies

Лечение боли в пояснице народными средствамиBack pain is a very common phenomenon.

Back pain most often appears in people in their most active age, i.e. from 30 to 60 years.

This is a very common phenomenon, caused by muscle strain in the lower back and is characterized by pain and limitation of mobility.

Here you need to understand that every human body is unique, and despite the fact that lower back pain usually goes away between 3 to 6 weeks, it is better to be under medical supervision.

Sometimes this problem may be related to hernia or other disease, which is why it is so important to get the advice and guidance of a professional.

But when we are at home, you can always follow a few simple steps that will help us cope with this disease and accelerate the recovery process and recovery.

1. Vacation, but not permanent

The first thing our “faulty” back up to this intense pain and a burning sensation in the lower back. Many describe this state as if their “tears”. At the same time people are experiencing severe difficulties with movement, it hurts to turn over and sometimes even to sit.

Lower back pain is completely somewhere for 3-6 weeks. This is a decent period of time, it turns out that if we suffered this fate, the “hospital” we are in the middle of the month.

Does this mean that we must ensure that the back rest? Not at all.

It is best to stay in bed the first two or three days. At this time, the pain too intense and the nerves are inflamed, so any physical activity would be impossible and, to put it mildly, superfluous.

However, after a specified time to be “fixed” not to be. If you always lie down, your muscles will start to weaken, and weak muscles always have a negative impact on the health of our spine.

A load is necessary, let it be light, gentle movements such that you will allow the pain and discomfort. That is, after 2 days of rest you should try to be as active as possible, otherwise the recovery will take much more time than you would like.

What exercises can you perform?

Of course, you can seek professional help to a chiropractor, physiotherapist or a specialist in the field of rehabilitation of patients.

But being at home, you may be able to perform some exercises for stretching to strengthen the muscles of the lumbar spine.

First, you can walk (slow step) or walk on the treadmill.

Secondly, if you’re a little swim every day, it will be one of the most effective types of treatment, as anything better for our waist just does not come up.

2. Natural anti-inflammatory drugs from lower back pain

Anti-inflammatory agent for oral administration: ginger

Two cups of infusion of ginger a day will also be very useful in this case. Because it is one of the best natural anti-inflammatory drugs, which can easily replace our usual analgesics (if you suddenly wanted to use them to ease their condition with pain in the lower back).

Enough to brew one teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g) in a glass of water (250 ml) and drink a hot infusion after meals.

Anti-inflammatory topical application: essential oil of Rue, horsetail and rosemary

Among the most recommended medicinal plants in order to cope with the pain in the lumbar region, we have identified Equisetum arvense (horse tail) and rosemary.

In this case, you will need to take liter of water, put it on the fire, add 1.5 tablespoons of horsetail (15 g) and the same amount of rosemary. Infusion cook for 20-30 minutes, then allow it to cool slightly.

Now you can moisten in it a gauze or other clean cloth and apply to the lower back for 30 minutes (this time will have to lie). If we repeat the procedure twice a day, very soon you will notice positive results and feel relief.

Ruta, in turn, is also a good anti-inflammatory agent. She has the ability to relax muscles and reduce pain. Therefore, we also recommend you to look for pharmacies essential oil of this plant also to do with a light massage of the lower back.

This is also a very effective alternative treatment.

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for lower back pain

And although at first glance this method of treatment may seem ineffective, in fact it is not, and it should also be borne in mind.

After all, many people, when faced with pain in the lumbar region, try to avoid any movements, they are afraid to move, as they have similar actions associated with strong pain, and this creates even more tension and “overloading” the muscles.

It turns vicious circle: pain is fear, fear tells us the idea that we in any case should not move, and immobility causes a more severe inflammation of the nerves and weakening of the muscles in the lower back.

The first thing to notice is that the pain lasts long enough. It would be at least a month before we will feel as before.

During this time, you must come to understand the idea of harmony of your mind and emotions with the “axis” of the back. The more stress and tension, the stronger the pain.

So try to always stay calm, relax and make soft, fluid movements. Away from yourself your own and think that every day you will become easier and easier.

Go for a walk, it will clear your head and get away from discomfort. So you will be able to rid yourself of the abuse of pharmaceutical painkillers.

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