Home / Medicine / The use of Bay leaf: the properties that you were not even aware

The use of Bay leaf: the properties that you were not even aware

Польза лаврового листа: свойства, о которых вы даже не догадывалисьBay leaf is not just famous seasoning.

If you’re wondering why in ancient times, Laurel wreaths were done to the winners, now understand.

Bay leaf is very useful and helps with many problems: diabetes, fungus, bee stings.

In diabetes it helps to reduce blood sugar, and to enable them to lose weight, the sheet helps to restore carbohydrate metabolism. When a bee sting you can chew a leaf and apply to the affected area.

For athlete’s foot and fungus, infusion of this plant it is possible to make the bath. Ten leaves on half a liter of boiling water and the infusion is ready. Laurel will also assist with kidney failure if you drink from it a decoction.

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