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Kids and tablets: benefit or harm

Дети и планшеты: польза или вред Tablets and other modern devices can harm the development of children.

The Telegraph published a fascinating article. The texts speak about the English Association of teachers and lecturers, claims that children who spend a lot of time on their tablets, don’t you think ordinary children’s activities like building the pyramid out of blocks or paper in a notebook.

The teachers explain this fact very simply: the whole day the child sits with the gadget, and after that can not bear is in the classroom. This is due to the fact that children are spending so much time for modern devices, completely lose their concentration. Colorful screen causes constant visual stimulation, and without this, students feel lost and dispersed. Teachers also complain about the increasing number of children in the socially anxious. They believe that this is due to the fact that mom or dad is much easier to seat the child over the tablet, rather than play him in any games.

As a result, experts urge all parents to spend more time with their children. They strongly recommend to play with your child, both at home and on the street, to read and write along with him.

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