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Medicine: Discover the latest in medicine, health news, and breakthroughs on JMN.info’s ‘Medicine’ section. Stay informed about health-related topics.

The doctors named five bad qualities of cheese

It became known that everyone’s favorite hard cheese can harm the health. It is considered that cheese is a great source of calcium, and a tasty and nutritious product. About it is not quite useful qualities, scientists have started talking recently, which surprised the public. Many are accustomed to include …

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Useful products for the brain and memory

Our brain is the most complex tool that we use every day. We all know that proper nutrition is very useful for our health. Some foods can positively affect our muscular system, lungs and bronchi, cardiovascular system and even brain. List of best foods for common thinking and excellent memory. …

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Nutritionists have called the best slimming products in the fall

Autumn should include in the diet a number of products for weight loss.With the arrival of the cold autumn and winter days are traditionally increases the appetite, because the cold and hunger is a physiological and psychological interdependence. Increased appetite amid not a myth, but a scientifically proven fact, because …

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The most beneficial alcoholic drink

Why is it useful to drink red wine: 10 reasons.About the benefits red wine has long been known. It cleanses the body of toxins, tones blood vessels, improves heart function. Wine rejuvenates, enhances immunity and improves brain function. But all this is assuming that you drink it in moderation. 1. …

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Doctors call unexpected cause of lung cancer

It became known that may lead to the development of malignant tumors in the lungs. For anybody not a secret that the dismal, drooping, sad people who don’t see the point in the future, often faced with serious diseases, one of which is cancer. Scientists decided to conduct some research …

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Four products that will cleanse your lungs

Doctors recommend to consume some foods which have a unique property – cleansing the lungs from toxic substances. From childhood we are taught that Smoking is injurious to health and it is better not to start Smoking at all, because in the future it will be difficult to give up …

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What to consider when choosing the best MRI center of Moscow?

If you live in Moscow, the search medical services “MRI-scan” you will see a large selection of diagnostic centers. To choose the best institution for carrying out this modern test before the appointment to clarify a number of important conditions. Phone numbers and addresses of all Moscow clinics can be …

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The doctors told why pregnant women do not overeat

Unhealthy “diet” can also lead to complications during childbirth. During pregnancy, many women take off all restrictions on food and “off”. Society is not condemned, people say that pregnant women should eat “for two”. But this approach is fundamentally correct. The doctors came to the conclusion that excessive eating during …

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