Home / Medicine / The doctors named five bad qualities of cheese

The doctors named five bad qualities of cheese

Врачи назвали пять вредных качеств твердого сыраIt became known that everyone’s favorite hard cheese can harm the health.

It is considered that cheese is a great source of calcium, and a tasty and nutritious product. About it is not quite useful qualities, scientists have started talking recently, which surprised the public. Many are accustomed to include different cheese varieties on the menu of their children, but as it turned out, you should be very careful with this product.

So, what harmful qualities of hard cheese:

1. A high percentage of fat. For those who want to lose weight or maintain your weight is normal, do not abuse the cheese, because it nourishes the body with essential fatty acids in large quantity. For the child’s digestive tract cheese is not the most useful because of the fats.

2. A lot of salt. Practically all varieties of cheese have a salty taste, and all because in the process of their production is used for salt. For the health of a day a person can consume about 5-6 grams of salt, so cheese must have dosed.

3. The calorie content in hard cheese sometimes surpasses all possible limits, so in order to avoid gaining the extra pounds you want to reduce the amount of consumed cheese.

4. Cheese with mold is not as harmless as everyone thinks. Manufacturers claim that mold in hard cheese cannot harm health, but mold it in any case remains mold. Of course, since this mold has been tested by physicians and are allowed to eat, not to worry, but still you could get addicted also not necessary.

5. Cholesterol contained in the solid cheese that instantly fills the blood vessels, disrupting blood flow and contributing to the development of various diseases relating to cardiac and vascular systems.

As if there was not, to abandon the use of cheese is illogical, because they bring not only harm to the body, and the benefits cannot be underestimated. Judging from what was told by the nutritionists, you can simply control the amount of cheese that falls to you on a plate, and then in the mouth. There is nothing difficult to cut yourself a set amount of cheese per day/week/month. Can be limited to 50-100 grams of any kind of hard cheese a day and not eat it every day, then health will be fine.

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