Home / Medicine / Nutritionists have called the best slimming products in the fall

Nutritionists have called the best slimming products in the fall

Диетологи назвали лучшие продукты для похудения осеньюAutumn should include in the diet a number of products for weight loss.

With the arrival of the cold autumn and winter days are traditionally increases the appetite, because the cold and hunger is a physiological and psychological interdependence.

Increased appetite amid not a myth, but a scientifically proven fact, because the lack of heat and reduced level of serotonin kompensiruet absorption of high-calorie and fatty foods, which simulates the feeling of happiness.

Nutritionists recommend in the cold autumn and winter days to draw attention to the seasonal products that will help you to lose weight or at least not gain weight. Examining research scientists, NV calls the six products that should be included in the diet to maintain your figure and health.

Pumpkin is rich in carotenoids that help prevent metabolic syndrome, according to the study, the results of which were published in the scientific journal British Journal of Nutrition.

In addition, pumpkins can be attributed to low – calorie food- its caloric value is 28 kcal per 100 grams of product. Being a natural vitamin-mineral complex, pumpkin is rich in fiber, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, PP, and also contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Apples – a real record for usefulness and appetite control. They lower cholesterol, because in one Apple contains about four grams of fiber, part of which is in the form of pectin – a soluble fiber which has been proven by scientists, lowers the level of low density lipoproteins.

Apples provide a sense of satiety and help to follow the figure. In particular, one component of the peel of the Apple ursulova acid, according to the results of one study on mice, reduces the risk of obesity, since it contributes to faster burning of calories and further weight loss.

Most scientific research is intended to reveal the extent of the effect of cinnamon on glucose levels in the blood. In one study, with the participation of 22 volunteers who are prone to diabetes and have problems with metabolism who took 500 mg of cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks it was found that the use of aromatic spices, in fact, leads to a decrease in the level of fasting blood sugar and reduce the reserves of subcutaneous fat.

Another scientific study conducted later also proved that the use of cinnamon in solid form and as an extract reduces glucose levels in fasting blood in people suffering from diabetes the second type, or prone to this disease.

Swedish scientists also proved that cinnamon is able to reduce the appetite and provide a feeling of satiety.

Despite the high calorie content, walnuts are used extensively in diets, as have so-called “healthy calories”, which, when used correctly, stimulates metabolism and promotes additional accumulation of fat in organs and tissues.

The high content of healthy fats promotes satiety and stability of blood sugar levels thus reducing sugar cravings.

In addition, walnuts improve immunity, and have a positive impact on the nervous system.

Cauliflower is related to dietary food. It is an excellent source of potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, fluorine, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and K. In particular, the high content of vitamin C, according to the study, the results of which were published in the scientific journal Nutrition & Metabolism, promotes fat burning.

Cauliflower also improves immunity, promotes regeneration of the skin, hair and nails, and improves digestion.

Both green and black tea is a kind of miracle drink for weight loss.

Tea contains caffeine, which speeds up metabolism. In addition, tea is rich in flavonoids, which play an important role in maintaining a healthy weight, as evidenced by a major study published in the scientific journal BMJ.

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