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Effective methods to combat different types of pain

Действенные методы борьбы с различными видами болиIt turns out that to eliminate pain in any part of the body can be using folk methods.

Even the most healthy person may be accompanied by unpleasant pain, but not always a good idea to run to the doctor or to call an ambulance. Everyone has the opportunity to try yourself lose pain and help in the following methods:

1. If you suddenly got a headache, that person need to find ice or cold water to lower the arms back and hold for as long as possible. After a few minutes, the head should stop hurting.

2. When a toothache will again need ice, only in this case it is necessary to squeeze between two fingers — thumb and forefinger. But this method will not help if you open and inflamed nerve.

3. Rhinitis and stuffy nose, accompanied by pain effects, can be eliminated in just one night. To do this you need only one bulb that needs to be cut in half and put on the bedside table stand side closest to the pillow. The morning will be felt obvious relief.

4. To combat delayed onset muscle soreness after an intense workout in two ways — take a contrast shower in half an hour after a workout or do a simple workout, which will disperse the blood and encourage the removal of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles.

5. Joint pain bring not just discomfort, but do not allow it to move. If the attacks of pain recur every day’s a trip to the doctor. And in the case when the person is just tired and faced with the fact that he suddenly hurt his knee, pulls in your arm or hand, you can try to do a warm compress and apply a warming ointment, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sleep. Typically, after awakening, the person will not feel such severe pain.

6. Spontaneously sick eyes? This means that the person has over-exerted and not allowed my eyes to rest in a timely manner. Therefore, the surest way to relieve the pain with the eyes is to close them. Additionally, you can put on eyelids closed eyes tea bags with black tea, but they should be not cold and not hot.

7. Folk healers claim that the sore throat persists for a couple of hours, if the neck is to apply a compress, made of gauze and cold cheese. But this method cannot be used if in addition to sore throat, there is increased body temperature.

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