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What should be the proper nutrition for the brain

What is the impact on the ability of human food and way of life? Many believe that mental abilities depend on genes, smart parents and smart kids and this is manifested already in early childhood. But there are cases when the twins grew up in different conditions, show different abilities …

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Useful properties of aloe, of which you had no idea

This plant was raised by her grandmother, many homes have it now. Many plants have useful properties. Especially appreciated aloe (century plant). The amazing healing abilities of this plant is still not fully understood, but it is useful to grow in every home. Spiky green fleshy stems in pots — …

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Effective treatment of barley folk remedies

10 effective recipes.Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicle of the century. In the beginning of the disease at the edge of the century formed limited painful reddish swelling, swelling of the skin and of mucous membrane. After 3-4 days on top of swelling …

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Named useful properties of ginger juice

Wonderful remedy for diabetes.Surely you have heard about the benefits of ginger, which not only improves the taste of food, but as for colds, morning sickness and stomach issues. But no less a benefit to human health brings ginger juice. To make juice from the ginger root, it is enough …

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What sweets can be eaten without harm to the figures

How to eat sweets and not get fat.Not all sweets are equally harmful. Among them are all the same and worthy representatives that can cheer you up, bring fun and not to spoil the shape. So to “punish” themselves, leaving no sweet, not necessarily. There are several principles for combination …

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How to save eyesight when working at the computer

The pain in her eyes from the computer – what to do? Pain eyes from the computer today faces an increasing number of people. But not to work on the computer today is simply impossible, because it is the main source of information for the modern man. The computer makes …

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Named drinks that trigger depression

Consumption of soft drinks increases the risk of developing depression.In the latest issue of the journal “PLoS ONE” published a very interesting data, which failed to research group led by Professor Xuguang Guo (Guo Xuguang) The subject of study was the impact most often used by people soft drinks on …

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These products will help prolong youth

At deficiency of estrogen, the body begins to age prematurely.Hormonal imbalance, bad environment, stress and poor diet bring a lot of trouble to women. Dull hair color, circles under the eyes, nails become brittle, and the skin flabby and as a consequence the woman ceases to be satisfied. Is to …

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Identified the main factors influencing the probability of divorce

A study by Harvard University. The researchers have implemented an interesting project, the result of which allowed the specialists to determine the factors influencing the probability of divorce. It should be noted that the initiators of the experiments were employees of the Department of sociology at Harvard University. It is …

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