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These products will help prolong youth

Эти продукты помогут продлить молодостьAt deficiency of estrogen, the body begins to age prematurely.

Hormonal imbalance, bad environment, stress and poor diet bring a lot of trouble to women. Dull hair color, circles under the eyes, nails become brittle, and the skin flabby and as a consequence the woman ceases to be satisfied.

Is to keep youth and self-confidence need to eat the right foods.

For good female body need healthy foods that have the female hormone estrogen. These useful products will help to save youth.

At deficiency of estrogen, the body begins to age prematurely. Then the body signals the problem of fatigue, brittle hair and nails, depression. Not to bring the organism to the drug treatment, enough to include in the daily diet of a few simple ingredients.

TOP 8 healthy foods for youth and beauty:

Flax seed

It flax seeds are Champions for the content of omega-3,6,9. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are rich in phytoestrogen, which is considered an analogue of female hormones.

According to experts, is sufficient to 1 tablespoon of flax seeds a day. They can be ground in a coffee grinder and steamed before Breakfast or eating.

In addition, len is a true friend to lose weight, because it reduces the appetite and helps to normalize the digestive system.


Lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, etc. keep women’s hormones, protein and tryptophan, which is struggling with the onset of depression.

Dairy products

They are useful and rich in natural phytoestrogens which prevent the occurrence of hormonal failures, and also preserve youth and beauty.


Refreshing drink copes with the fact that it increases the level of estrogen, which makes the female form attractive and rounded.


It turns out that apricots are compounds of lignans, which in turn possess estrogenic activity.


Is not a woman’s drink is very similar with female estrogen. No need to lean on beer to its use was not a problem, approach it with the mind. By the way, beer is low in calories only 14 kcal per 100 grams.


In chamomile, Linden, sage, ginseng roots, red clover, mountain ash, and so much estrogen. One Cup of a decoction of these herbs a day will give your body not only estrogen, but also bring a soothing effect.


Any nuts will be able to raise the level of estrogen in the body.

But we should not forget that the characteristics of the body of each your, so don’t forget to consult with your doctor about which of these products suits you.

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