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How to save eyesight when working at the computer

Как сохранить зрение при работе за компьютеромThe pain in her eyes from the computer – what to do?

Pain eyes from the computer today faces an increasing number of people. But not to work on the computer today is simply impossible, because it is the main source of information for the modern man.

The computer makes life much easier person of any profession, you only need to follow some rules when working with it.

Cause of visual disturbances when working at the computer

On the question of why eyes hurt from the computer, ophthalmologists answer that the main cause is the flickering of the monitor screen, sometimes invisible to the eye – modern monitors do not flicker too obviously. However, it is well established that even this imperceptible flickering is a big burden on the eyes. So, when reading paper and electronic books eye strain will be completely different. Still a lot of eye strain occurs when watching movies on the computer, and especially much eyes get tired during the rapid development of computer games with the ever-changing picture.

Frequent eyestrain leads to disruption of blood circulation in this area is disturbed to the organs of nutrients and oxygen. To compensate for the disorders of small blood vessels in the eyes dilate and show through the surface of the shell – the eyes become red. Sometimes, when a strong tension of the small veins in the eye burst and there are areas of hemorrhage.

In addition, injury to the exposed spine, especially his neck, because the neck is in the forced position.

Signs of impairment while working at the computer

With daily prolonged work on the computer a person has frequent headaches, back pain and neck. Appears feel dry and gritty eyes, sore eyes, itchy, red, swollen eyelids.

In addition, a constant, correctly organized work on the computer can cause blurred vision appears blurred vision, blurred images, double vision, photophobia, and sometimes lacrimation. May also disrupt night sleep, there is irritability, turning occasionally aggressiveness, tearfulness, anxiety, all symptoms of neurosis.

Gradual and subtle loss of vision eventually results in a young age in myopia, there is a need for glasses.

Than to relieve the pain and redness of the eyes when working at the computer

Swelling after working at the computer well remove drops specialnye drops. Dryness can eliminate eye drops designed to moisturize and protect the cornea.

If you have pronounced metabolic and degenerative disorders in the tissues of the eye, prescribe vitamin drops. Relieve redness in this case, it is not recommended to apply vasoconstrictor eye drops will impair blood circulation and will increase with dry eyes.

How to organize computer

If the sore eyes from the computer but from him it is impossible to refuse, you need to properly equip the workplace and should follow certain rules:
to prevent dryness of the eyes, of irritation, fatigue and feeling of sand in eyes should consume more liquid;
lighting (including artificial) in the room should be uniform; it is not necessary to use some table lamps;
the table on which stands the computer, it is better to put the left of the window, the window to hang curtains: indirect ambient light, does not glare on the screen; if the screen is still there glare is to buy anti-glare screen;
the monitor screen should be cleaned daily with special wipes;
the monitor should stand at a distance of about 0.5 m from the eyes; when reprinting the text of the paper sheet must be placed on the same level with the screen – this will remove the additional eye movements and prevent excessive strain;
while working at the computer the top edge of the screen should be located at the same level with the eyes working; the screen should be slightly tilted so that its lower part was closer to working than the upper is the optimal level of tilt, which allows to spare the vision;
every two hours of work to do exercises for the eyes.

Good habits to maintain good vision:

blinking more often and move more;
breathe easily and continuously with extended exhalation;
often to translate the look from near objects to remote and back;
during the examination of the subject should do so with interest, traveling through it eyes;
to accept what they see without effort;
often close eyes to give them rest.

These simple tips will help to reduce the strain on your eyes and, consequently, to maintain health.

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