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What should be the proper nutrition for the brain

Каким должно быть правильное питание для мозгаWhat is the impact on the ability of human food and way of life?

Many believe that mental abilities depend on genes, smart parents and smart kids and this is manifested already in early childhood. But there are cases when the twins grew up in different conditions, show different abilities to perceive information, to memorize, to solve logical problems. It is known that some are very easily learned in childhood, people with age lose these abilities, while others, not differing special abilities, the school achieved success in a variety of “intellectual” professions.

We all know that education develops the human brain, it enhances thinking abilities, saves memory. Useful “habits of mind” and nutrition also play an important role in most complex human organ – his brain.

10 useful for the brain food

Water. The human body on 80% consists of water. It is required for correct metabolism, it needs every organ, but the brain in particular. Scientists have found the process simple research, people, thirsty, worse cope with logical puzzles than those who drank a pint of water before testing.
Omega-3. Extremely useful for the brain unsaturated fatty acids omega-3. They provide quick energy needed for the transmission of impulses from cell to cell, which in turn improves cognitive abilities and helps you to quickly extract from the “reservoirs” of memory required information. A lot of omega-3 in fish, walnuts and Flaxseed oil.
Nuts. They are rich in protein and protein supplies the brain with energy. Hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts should be a staple in the menu of the student and of the student. In addition, nuts are rich in lecithin, the lack of which in the body can cause multiple sclerosis and other nerve disease.
Greens. Those people whose food traditionally contain a lot of greens, as a rule, can boast of many long-lived, survived to a ripe old age mental clarity and mental abilities. Spinach, dill, parsley, Basil, cilantro and other greens contain folic acid, vitamins E and K. These substances prevent the development of dementia. Furthermore, contained in green antioxidants protect the brain from stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Vitamins. B9 (citrus, bread, beans, honey) are required to create and maintain healthy new cells, because as it is now scientifically proven, the nerve cells recovered, like all the others. Vitamin B12 (liver, eggs, fish) reduces the symptoms of senile dementia and confusion of thought in people of advanced age, increases memory retention in young people.
Eggs. Chicken egg yolk is a source of choline as it helps to develop many of the functions of the brain, the ability to understand, to learn, to explore, to understand, to accept and process. Eggs are an essential product in baby food.
Coffee. Scientific research has established that caffeine can enhance attention and working memory, helps to concentrate on complex problems and improves reaction time. And, of course, will add vigor.
Apples. They contain quercetin – a substance that protects brain cells from damage. Most of it is in Apple peel.

Chocolate. This is a useful product for good mood and intense mental work. It contains valuable substances: glucose, which accelerates the reaction and improves memory, and flavonols, stimulating memory and quick thinking.
Red wine. Most of the researchers in recent time talking about the beneficial effects of small amounts of wine on the thinking, coherence of speech, attention and other higher mental processes. Believed to be in the fermented grape juice contain antioxidants that prevent aging of the brain, so that, as our ancestors said, in vino veritas!

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