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Called the unique curative properties of celery

Many people underestimate the benefits of celery. Celery is truly a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a huge number of vitamins: vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins K and PP. On mineral composition of celery can be called a very unique plant. Zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, …

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Chinese doctors shared a simple way to reduce pressure

Treatment of high blood pressure can effectively contribute to the usual chicken eggs. Chinese scientists came to the assertion that egg protein plays the role of a real cure from high blood pressure and in some cases can substitute for pharmaceutical drugs. “The substance contained in egg whites, helps to …

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Top 8 most useful of dried fruits

Dried fruits – the natural vitamin and mineral complex offered us by nature. A list of useful dried fruit that you can eat for a year to support health. Dried fruits are known to be very useful. They retain all the beneficial properties, so they can eat for a year …

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Numb fingers – causes and treatment

The problem of numbness of fingers found in people of different ages and professions. Unpleasant sensations in the fingers – tingling, numbness familiar to many. More often that not overlooked. But if the symptoms appear constantly, you need to find out what is the cause of numbness of the fingers. …

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5 best cleansers for face at home

The essential and most important phase of proper care of the skin purifying it. The transition to natural cleansers will allow you to forget about such problems as irritation, tightness, dryness and peeling of the skin. By such means the skin will remain more moisture, and you will need less …

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Effective tips to improve sleep quality

A person needs 8 hours of sleep to recuperate and sustain. For good health and longevity is very important the quality of sleep. Getting enough quality sleep at the right time helps to maintain mental and physical health, improve quality of life and enhance the security due to good concentration …

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Vitamin teas: strengthen immunity folk remedies

Tea is the most popular drink around the globe. We offer you a number of recipes, with which you can prepare very useful teas, have a positive influence on the human immune system (eat sugar in very limited quantities). – Cut into wedges 3 unpeeled apples, pour 1 liter of …

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Deficiency of this vitamin can cause brain damage

American scientists from the University of Oregon reported that the deficiency of vitamin E can cause damage to brain cells. Diet rich in vitamin E, helps maintain the health and normal brain function, while a deficiency of this vitamin may cause damage to brain cells, according to U.S. scientists from …

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People of normal weight can also diabetes

In the analysis of the indicators of diabetes it was found that 33% of the adult population of normal weight at age 45 years and older have prediabetes. Today diabetes type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions, and treatment of this disease is very expensive. Diabetes is a chronic disease …

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