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Effective tips to improve sleep quality

Эффективные советы для улучшения качества снаA person needs 8 hours of sleep to recuperate and sustain.

For good health and longevity is very important the quality of sleep.

Getting enough quality sleep at the right time helps to maintain mental and physical health, improve quality of life and enhance the security due to good concentration and focus.

How do you feel during the day depends on how you spent the night. Sleep helps to support healthy brain function and physical performance.

Constant lack of sleep increases the risk of health problems.

Lack of sleep impairs performance, affects memory and reaction speed, affects how you learn and get along with others.

Experts offer to your attention 11 effective tips that will not only improve sleep quality but also to extract from it the maximum benefit.

1. Use the rule of “90 minutes”.

Sleep consists of repetitive cycles with the duration of each 90 minutes, every 90 minutes we go through about 5 stages of fast and slow sleep of different lengths. By the end of the cycle the body “reboots” and therefore much easier to Wake up at the end of the cycle than in the middle.

How to use it?

If you need to get up at 6.30 in the morning, calculate the time at bedtime, taking an hour and a half. It turns out to 23.00 00.30 train or need to lie in bed.

2. Find your number of hours.

Of course, we all know the rule is 8 hours, but everyone’s body is different: some require much more time for recreation, while someone is recovering faster.

How to calculate your optimal sleep mode?

As a rule of thumb for 2 weeks to get up at the same time, but go to bed when you feel tired and sleepy. Your brain very soon he will appoint a convenient regime that will remain to follow.

3. A few hours before sleep avoid TV and computers.

Bright screens of smartphones or laptops don’t give the nervous system to relax, inhibiting centers of the brain responsible for the feeling of fatigue. So, the person sitting behind the monitor, not able to decipher the signals the body that it is time to go.

How to use the free time to sleep?

Meditation, reading, hot bath, sex and conversations over a Cup of tea to help you.

4. Take a warm bath.

Sleep quality is increased significantly if before bedtime to treat yourself to a bubble bath. Really, what else can so relax the muscles and relieve the stress of the day?..

5. Use a mixture of essential oils.

Lavender essential oil, lemon balm, sandalwood, Jasmine and patchouli have a relaxing effect on the human psyche, contributing to the calm and quick sleep.

The main rule – the flavor should be like and not to cause allergies. The blend of oils you can add to the bathroom, and can be used for massage.

6. Control the temperature of the room.

Scientists conducted an experiment during which found that the best temperature for quality sleep is 18-21° C. But if the room is too hot or too cold, sleep will be restless with frequent wakings.

What you need to do to protect yourself from bad sleep?

Ventilate the room, if the house is hot, and not to hide a warm blanket. And if it’s cold, turn on the heater for a while to warm the bedroom) and wear warm socks to prevent hypothermia.

7. Neutralize background noise.

Even during sleep our brain continues to process information available to him. Because so often we can’t sleep because of the large amount of annoying noises of the street (sounds of cars, drunk passers-by laughter, cries of neighbors and unnecessarily noisy operation of home appliances.

How to learn to ignore background noise?

To put music with sounds of nature, rain or rolling of the waves of the ocean. This will help to refocus attention and faster to sleep.

8. Don’t be afraid to Wake in the night.

It turns out that the habit to Wake in the night in many countries it is perfectly natural, there is even a whole culture of night leisure.

If your body woke up at night, it is not necessary to draw a terrible picture of the morning and lack of sleep associated with misadventures, switch!

Get up, drink tea, indulge reflection. Very soon you will again feel the desire to sleep, it is important not to turn on the computer.

9. Transfer thoughts onto paper.

If your insomnia is related to unfinished business or feelings about the future, the right decision is to move the problem on paper and try to solve them.

Write at least a couple of options facilitate a difficult situation, and then go. When a solution is found, sleep will not be difficult.

10. Use the bedroom only for rest.

It is extremely difficult to enjoy a NAP in the room where you work, receive guests or do sports. Just in the mind there are associations that don’t want to take the bed on which you wrote the report, as a place of rest.

To ensure a good night’s sleep, divide the apartment into distinct areas for work and rest, do not confuse these areas.

11. Before bedtime, drink herbal tea.

Often we can’t sleep due to the fact that the nervous system is too stressed or exhausted, the body simply lacks the energy to relaxation.

How to give him the necessary push?

Advice is to drink a Cup of tea and go to bed.

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