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Causes and treatment of cracked heels

Cracked heels is a common problem. In the summer particularly important foot care. Because of the uncomfortable shoes skin on the heels becomes rough very quickly, so it is necessary every night to soften and remove. If this is not done, due to the layering of the keratinized skin will …

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The influence of olive oil on the heart

It reduces the risk of heart attack. A study of Scottish scientists from the University of Glasgow have shown that regular consumption of olive oil improve heart health. According to experts, olive oil contains fatty acids omega-6, which block the body’s response to inflammation during chronic diseases such as heart …

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Scientists have uncovered what the main danger of Smoking

Tobacco control policy can significantly reduce the incidence of stroke. Scientists from Finland the study found out what is the most important risk Smoking. According to experts, because of this bad habit significantly increases the risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage (stroke). Find out about scientists managed during 15 years of observing …

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Doctors told how coffee affects the heart

Experts have again confirmed the benefits of coffee.Scientists from York University in the new study proved that drinking coffee protects against the threat of premature death among people with high risk of heart failure. Experts came to the conclusion that one or two cups of coffee a day is good …

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This berry is especially useful for women

Today we will talk about how useful a melon.It is now the period of melon and watermelon, and the harder you rush to the bazaars and supermarkets to purchase these wonderful berries. But they are not only tasty, but also useful . Useful properties of melonCalorie melon – 30-38 kcal …

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Named unexpected cause of male infertility

It became known how many hours of TV a day will make a man infertile.Scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that watching television more than 5 hours a day can make a man infertile. In recent days millions of men literally don’t come off on television, watching …

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Simple exercises for toned stomach

5 best exercises for a beautiful press.Beautiful flat tummy girl. It all depends on proper nutrition, the desire to work hard and intelligently chosen exercises for abs. We are all very individual: someone can have a beautiful relief press, never in my life did not shaking, and someone who trains …

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Effective cleansing vessels folk remedies

Eat these foods and your blood vessels will be clean!For good health not enough the only proper diet and exercise. Periodically all organs and systems need to be cleaned from slags and toxins. The same applies to vessels. Because their walls accumulate cholesterol deposits which later can lead to high …

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How to quickly restore energy and relieve stress

Breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety.Breathing problems is a common problem of people with high anxiety. In some cases, the characteristics of breathing can cause anxiety attacks, but most everything is quite the contrary: it is the state of stress and anxiety cause breathing problems. If you’re really concerned, …

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Called best exercises for osteoarthritis

They will help to get rid of joint pain. The most effective methods of treatment of osteoarthritis include osteopathy. As a rule, diseases of the joints do not arise by themselves. This is preceded by long years during which the person may be injury to suffer from the negative impact …

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