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How to quickly restore energy and relieve stress

Как быстро восстановить энергию и снять стрессBreathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety.

Breathing problems is a common problem of people with high anxiety.

In some cases, the characteristics of breathing can cause anxiety attacks, but most everything is quite the contrary: it is the state of stress and anxiety cause breathing problems.

If you’re really concerned, or feel severe anxiety caused by real or imaginary cause, you can try the following breathing problems:

Your breathing becomes heavy and shallow
You are breathing too quickly
You mentally watch your breath, focusing on the inhalations and exhalations
You breathe too often and deeply
You have already breathed light, but you still think that you are suffocating.

Breathing problems can lead to a variety of problems, most common of which is hyperventilation. Hyperventilation, in turn, provokes chest pain and palpitations.

Proper breathing can help you control your condition, reduce the level of anxiety and concern.

Breathing exercises should be part of your life, you have to remember them and practice them in your free time, because the breathing practice is not something that will act quickly. There are no clear recommendations about how often should I practice breathing exercises. But the more you will practice proper breathing, the more likely that you will be able to apply exercises at the right time.

How to stop to experience problems with breathing?

You want to get rid of difficulties with breathing and forget about this problem forever? There is a high probability that you will be able to do it with the help of special breathing exercises without any help.

Breathing exercises for anxiety relief: the normalization of carbon dioxide levels

When you find yourself in a stressful situation, it becomes difficult to breathe and you can get the feeling that you suffocate. In reality, you get too much oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your blood falls. To normalize the level of carbon dioxide, try the following:

Put your hands around the mouth in the likeness of cups, or use paper bag. Keep a pack near your mouth and continue to breathe normally. This way you will be able to restore carbon dioxide levels.

Deep breathing for relaxation

Deep breathing technique may not always help to remove a panic attack, however, this is a good method to relieve high stress and anxiety. Calm deep breathing has a calming effect on the body.

There are many ways of deep breathing, the simplest of which is considered to be this:

Sit in a chair, straighten your back and put your hands on the armrests. First, take slow, relaxing breaths, it should last about 5-6 seconds. Then, hold the air for a few seconds. Slowly exhale, exhale should last as much as took a breath. Repeat the cycle 10 times.

In the beginning you may find it difficult to breathe this way. To ensure that you get to breathe in the same pace, you need to practice. But if you master this technique, you can not only get rid of anxiety, but also to reduce blood pressure. When you can easily perform the exercise, increase the number of breaths to 20.

Deep breathing — method 2

This method is more advanced and incorporates elements of the above breathing exercises. This method is suitable for more serious bouts of anxiety and fear as well as panic attacks. You have to try to learn to apply this exercise in a stressful situation, but it’s worth it: this breath you can control your emotions.

Find a quiet, secluded place where you can stay in for 15-20 minutes. Sit down in the same way as in the previous method, sit back and relax. Next you need to do 10 cycles consisting of three stages:

Inhale for 5 beats
Hold your breath for 7 heartbeats
Exhale for 9 heartbeats
When you exhale, make sure to come out fully all the air out of the lungs. You need to breathe in full force, not only high breathing should be involved, but the bottom (When we inhale the stomach, and not just the breast).

If you have heart problems, this exercise can not be done.

Selecting the most appropriate exercises

Some people helps a combination of breathing techniques with imagination. You can also try this: while breathing exercises, imagine a cube that rotates on its axis, imagine all its sides and angles, detail. Or try to restore a memory, to remember the feelings you felt.

You may not be able to master all the techniques, but you can exercise and eventually you will be able easily to cope with shortness of breath.

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