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What is the danger of aspirin and paracetamol

It turns out that a supposedly harmless tablets of paracetamol (and containing the medication to relieve the symptoms, particularly the common cold) isn’t as safe.“Today, paracetamol generally would not have received admission as a medicinal drug, even by prescription, not to mention the free market,” emphasizes Kai Brune, Professor of …

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How to eat to not get fat

Nutritionists advise to eat slowly, biting off small pieces. A long and careful chewing, you can cut back on food intake. Scientists advise to eat slowly, biting off small pieces. This approach reduces the sharpness of hunger an hour after eating. This increases fluid intake, which contributes to satiety. Employees …

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Why women cheat: a few main reasons

Many men wonder what exactly motivates a woman’s infidelity. Can sex be casual? Psychologists believe that the true causes of the links on the side should look for in a relationship women have with her husband. Every woman wants to be his wife “the most charming and attractive”, but not …

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Tested recipes for blood purification

In a healthy organism the blood is cleaned independently. Blood – a liquid tissue of the body. She continuously flows through the vessels, penetrating all organs and tissues, and as it connects them. Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. …

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Constantly freezing up: reasons and solution

People usually do not pay attention to such unimportant thing as cold feet or don’t attach a lot of value.Many people today, it so happens that the feet are constantly cold, or freeze sometimes, under certain circumstances. If it doesn’t happen often, sometimes, then most likely reason is that you …

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As remove toxins from the body at home: healthy drinks

Such drinks improve overall body tone, accelerates metabolism. As you know, through the sweat, are harmful substances, toxins. So for cleansing the body is useful to use a variety of diaphoretic teas, infusions and decoctions, but it should be done correctly. There are many herbal teas, fruit teas, kvass and …

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Products to reduce back pain

The list of products, relieving the pain without pills. Scientists from Germany conducted a study which found the importance of balanced nutrition for physical health. At the end of the experiment, the experts made a list of products that contribute to relieve back pain, which today affects about 80% of …

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Doctors told, works best when the immune system

Our immune system is actively fighting bacteria night A relaxed sleep is to the body indispensable medicine because the immune system exerts its protective functions best during the night time. As shown by a study by Stanford University /USA/, our immune system is actively fighting bacteria night and minimizes the …

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Nuts stabilize blood pressure and cholesterol

Nuts are high-calorie product Diet is important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The combination of Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fruits and different daily consumption of nuts reduces by 13.7% the risk of metabolic syndrome. The increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by increase in the number …

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